your body will keep as much fat around your gut as it possibly can. The fat helps protect the organs in that area. The only way to reduce this is lower your overall body fat percentage. As the previous poster mentioned, spot reduction is not possible. Refer to the image below.
problem is people eat TOO MANY carbs. most people are good about watching their FAT intake due to the "evil fats" marketing that has existed for 20+ years. Moderation and quality(Getting your carbs from potato chips, vs a banana) are key.
you can try oatless oatmeal;
Sore is expected If your in pain you need to stop. Look up using a foam roller on your days off and resistance bands to improve flexibilty. You"ll be suprised how much those two systems help in recovery. Using those two techniques before a workout can also help you work out HARDER. Ask any cross fit super athlete, its part…
I broke my leg in University and lost a bunch of weight. I would recommend the same :) I couldn't go down to the cafeteria in my dorm due the stairs and not being able to balance a tray and my crutches, so i ate from the vending machine. Carmel popcorn and chocolate milk diet for 2 months and I shed like 20lbs (not even…