emmas42 Member


  • This. I can't listen to it without bawling... I think every new parent should be forced to listen to it. Chasing cars is a personal one for me.
  • In the UK "Canadian Bacon" is called back bacon and "US bacon" is called streaky bacon. We normally go for Back in a sandwich or for breakfast and streaky as a accompaniment like on chicken, or sausages at Christmas.
  • In the UK (If you happen to be over this way...) The very best bra fitters are Rigby and Peller. No tape measures, they look at the bra you are wearing, ping the straps a bit and come straight back with a (Normally) perfect bra for you. I discovered I was wearing too large around the back and too small in the cups. I…
  • I'm on omeprazole (Or however you spell it!) but a couple of little things that help me are: Little sips of water throughout the day. It sounds so obvious, but it helps me a lot and makes me avoid the coffee a bit more. Sleeping on my left side. Again it sounds like a daft thing, but it works. It's due to the stomach…
  • I was on it for a long time a few years ago, and was totally fine with it. Ended up in cerazette which I hated! (I never settled on it and things were really unpredictable on it. It was nearly always TOM, put it that way...) Went back on Cilest and it was just as bad as the cerazette! I was quite shocked as I liked it so…
  • A group of penguins! <3
  • Not any more. :smile: I used to, but not for a long time now. I have a couple of corsets though, the old goth in me still loves them! :laugh: I have a massive girl crush on Dita too... :laugh:
  • My hobbies are Archery, (Preparing for the zombie apocalypse! :sick: ) helping out at a cub scout group and roleplay (RPG). Not the kinky kind, the roll strange dice and fight dragons kind. Stupidly geeky and not very girly I know, but been doing it since I was about 13. The rest of my evenings are in the gym or spending…
  • The thing I like the most about the phone App. is the barcode scanner. It's great fun zapping everything in the fridge :laugh: I find it useful if I'm away from my computer and it updates online quite quickly.
  • I'm Emma from Essex. 33 and want to just fit into my fave jeans again! (at least a couple of stone... lol!) I need to be a bit more serious too! :smile:
    in UK Buddies Comment by emmas42 July 2012
  • Yep! Another Essex girl here :happy:
  • We have an unwritten office policy that if you make a big mistake you have to buy everyone cakes. It's been invoked a lot recently (Not my mistakes by the way!) It's always one particular guy that goes down the bakery, so I've managed to persuade him to by me a low calorie drink now instead of cake. I find it easier to…
  • Hi I'm Emma, I was hoping to find some brits on here! I'm from Essex and want to get back to the weight I was 2 years ago. I've got some jeans I love and I want to wear them again! :smile: