Ya know this drove me nuts for a while and my best advice is DO WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST! I personally don't do it, I think it's a little bit insane to put back the calories that you just burned. You're supposed to be burning more calories then you eat. It's all a little quirky to me so just do what your gut tells you.
Thanks! I'll definitely save that and I'm in Missouri lol we have plenty of hills.
Thanks, I'm not good at math at all lol I passed high school and some college but haven't used it in a few years except for the bank account.
It was unopened and it weighed 4lbs, the scale ony said 3 that's why I added a pound to my weight.
Okay thank you, I'm thinking I might set up an appointment with the doctors office. I also need to get my cholesterol checked anyway, HUGE family history of high cholesterol strokes and heart attacks so even though I don't have it at all, my doctor just wants to keep tabs on it twice a year.
okay thanks, I just did it on a level surface outside. It's a huge cement patio that was here when we got here, right before it slopes off and it still says 154 lol GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR maybe time for a new digital scale?
Take it from a woman who's been there and done that, I don't have a restraining order from my ex husband for nothing. YOU ARE BEING ABUSED, GET OUT OF THAT RELATIONSHIP AND GET HELP PLEASE!!!!!! DO NOT GO BACK NO MATTER WHAT, IT'S JUST GOING TO GET WORSE AND EVENTUALLY PHYSICAL. Yes I know the whole "oh he would never hit…