

  • HELLO :D Goal: 130-140 Starting: 170 Current: 168 Age: 20 Height: 5'6 Just getting started! Week number two! My boyfriend is being a great help/motivation but it would be great to talk to other ppl too! Feel free to friend me. I can use and give support!
  • Congrats it must feeel awesome to have lost that much and dropped so many sizes. Do you have any advice or anything that helped you lose what you've already lost? How long did it take you? It's my second week and I've lost two pounds. I feel unmotivated any tips?
  • After looking at your weight loss goals, we are identical in numbers, although you've already lost a lot! Congrats! Do you have any advice or anything that helped you lose what you've already lost? How long did it take you? It's my second week and I've lost two pounds. I feel unmotivated any tips?
  • Thats exactly how I feel, especially since I go to the gym late at night I def dont want to come home and eat at 11 right before bed.....
  • Thats exactly how I feel. Its like going to the gym trying so hard to get in a good workout then eating. I feel guilty eating after a workout....I think everyone is different. A lot of people say its better but I guess it depends on how someone feels about it. To be honest I've never heard of eating back calories til today!
  • Thats hard for me to do, because I go to the gym at 9:00 pm...for about an hour or two... I feel guilty eating that late. So if im eating 1200 calories a day...and I burn 600 a day...I should be eating 1800 a day before the gym?? Thats a lot I dont think I could even forcefully eat that much...I guess I'll have to give it…
  • Jeeeeez I'm so confused! I've never heard of eating back calories.... To me I feel like if your going to burn off calories then go home and eat them does the weight come off? It's like you went to the gym, slaved and then came home ate and its like as if you never went.... I dont understand how this works and…