

  • I drink my 8 glasses a day & STILL feel sooooo thirsty... I take 2000 mg of Metformin a day...
  • I eat some back, not all... I've been told I need to eat/drink protein before & afterwords, but like I really felt like I was going to kill-over. I have NEVER felt like that... I just am curious to know if I am eating & exercising the way I am supposed to now, would I even need to take it anymore... Does my insulin level…
  • Wow... some of these stories are heartbreaking... Good for all of you! We can do it!!!!! What did it for me? My stomach itching because I was developing stretch marks from getting fat... & I WASENT pregnant. So, that did it for me. I eventually want to get off of metformin... I hate taking medicine everyday =(
  • What did the Metformin do to you???
  • I too have PCOS & I have been on Metformin for a year as of October 2010... I havent lost ANYTHING... I have actually gained! It really sucks because those of you that take Metformin KNOW the side effects & BOY are they quite fun [joking]... I have noticed though with my [regular] workouts on Monday, Wednesday & Friday I…
  • Wow this is scary.... I too am SUPER thirsty when I am trying to cram in my 8 glasses of water a day... Def food [water] for thought!!!
  • It's never too late to get your *kitten* in gear! :) Congrats for taking that first step! What you will find here is a huge positive support system with tons of encouragement! I have a Bible scripture for ya: [i love it!] Dont worry about anything; instead, pray & tell God what you need & thank him for all he has done.…
  • I eat tuna... It's got protein & it really makes me feel fantastic after I work out... I am usually "shakey" afterwords & I posted a similar thread about eating after working out. I will always have something rich in protein afterwords. I will try the skim milk too though as I didnt realize how much protein was in skim…
  • Well hello & welcome!! This site is FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!! You're gonna love it! I do not know one person here & I feel I have gained friends for life! If you want positive encouragement, come here to get it! We all encourage eachother & push eachother to be a better me! Welcome & good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AMEN TO THAT! =D I'm in Louisiana & some cooler weather would be NICE! Now I just have to figure out how to cool a "healthy" gumbo! haha!!
  • I am the same way... trying to lose & gain... But I look at myself & I can tell I'm losing weight, so you know, I go by my measurements! It saves my sanity!!! When I am done working out, I eat something with a lot of protein, like a can of albacore tuna, it makes me feel so much better!! Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • HOW AMAZING!!!! Congratulations! You should be SO proud of yourself!! You look fantastic & you are a great inspiration!!!! ***HIGH.FIVE*** :flowerforyou:
  • Hey Bitexme! =D Welcome!! I joined last week & it's really great!!! I have already lost 2 pounds, which is nice! I will be your friend! :flowerforyou:
  • Ooo!!! I want in too plzzz!! With a cherry on top!? :flowerforyou:
  • I started on Jan 17th this year. [/quote] What an inspiration!!! That's a lot of weight to lose in 9 months!! WOW!!! You look great! Congratulations!!!
  • So I was still feeling "shakey" since I exercised, so I looked in my cabinet for protein... BINGO, Albacore tuna... I chopped up a pickle, mixed it all together & ate that & Woah! I feel like a new woman! How fantastic!!! Thanks so much for the information & suggestions!!! I really feel so much better! Thanks! YIPPEEEE!!!!!
  • OOOOOOo chocolateeee........ ** droooolll ** okay, I'm done.. That would be SO yummy if I had some chocolate milk! [haha] WOW! I didnt know all of this... I just thought I was going to eat to just not loose anything! Ya'll are awesomeee!!! I am loving these answers! Thank you thank you thank you!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Woooo hoooo!!!! Great job!!! I'll take a pic of my 1 once I see it too!!!! =D Congratulations!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I myself am a GIGANTA-HUGE fan of sugar... BUT... what do you want more? To lose weight or sugar? That's what I tell myself... So instead of that cup of Rocky Road Ice cream I'll eat frozen, fat free [sugar free] cool whip... it's like ice cream... tastes just as good & without all of that sugar... It just has to be a…
  • I confess that I am losing weight so I can be a stripper......... ** JOKING ** :devil:
  • YOU GO GIRLLLL!!!!!! :laugh:
  • Girl if you're happy, no worrying about the age!! I am 30 my husband is 26... I was 21 & he was 17 [8 days shy of 18] when we got together... lucky for you he's not "too" immature =D If you are happy girl, age is nothing but a number. He treats you good? Good. You like/love him? Good. Do you trust him? Gooood... So, you're…
  • I would just order a salad, cheese & dressing on the side. Opt for FF Italian or a FF Vinegarette.... mmmm.... I loveee Vinegarette dressing!! Have a nice lunch!! :flowerforyou:
  • CONGRATULATIONSSSSSS!!!!! You look amazing!! Good job on your hard work!!! I have just been inspired by you! Thank you & **HIGH FIVE** :flowerforyou:
  • HEYYY!!! My name is Cecilia too, just spelt different! :heart: YOU can do it!! There's tons of support & encouragement floating around this website! It's fantastic!! I joined Tuesday & weighed in today & already lost 2 pounds!! Welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AWESOME!! Congratulations!!! =D Nice, inspiring story! :flowerforyou:
  • Awesome!!!! You are the BEST!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Fiber. Fiber. Fiber. I like the Fiber One muffins! Fantastic for Breakfast! I carry fiber bars with me EVERYWHERE... Here are some other suggestions! Remember.. These are only foods high in fiber! ~ Fruits Serving size Total fiber (grams)* Raspberries 1 cup 8.0 Pear, with skin 1 medium 5.5 Apple, with skin 1 medium 4.4…
  • sincerme: I know right! We CAN do this!!! Right about now, I reallyyyyyy want to smoke a cigarette... I reallly dont need it though!!! =0) haha! Good luck to you too! I LOVE how you reward yourself with things as you lose weight! That's fantastic!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks Ta-Da!!! =D You can quit smoking too! The patch helps A LOT!!! Good luck!! :flowerforyou: