ikinga Member


  • I am facing the same problem, especially on Mondays. THe thing is in the weekend I eat pizza and other "not-proper-for-diet" foods, don't drink that much (or drink coke). So, on Monday, when I start drinking and getting active, I eliminate the water I drink (about 10 glasses) plus some other 8 glasses I accumulated in the…
  • Well, that is just estimated. If you'd weight the same day the same and you'd eat and train the same day the same then you'd weight... It is fiction a bit, because as you loose weight, you need to train more in order to get same result, plus your body slowly gets used to the training. If you don't overeat once a week, your…
  • Sorry for the long post, I forgot. In order to "burn" that cup of icecream, you would need to: walk for 45 minutes swim (at a good peace) for 20minutes HIIT for 20 minutes bike for 30minutes Think about that when you walk, so if you plan to have your ICEcream but still loose weight, you'll have to walk at least 1h, or just…
  • Hi, I had (and still have) a similar problem to yours. First step is to be aware of it and to admit it, so you are one step closer to solve this. I was 138lbs when I have decided to change something as I was getting fat, I had 32% body fat... At that time I wasn't doing sports and I was eating a lot of sweets. I have…