In 5 weeks you should weigh THIS....

At the end of our days we (most of us) hit the button at the bottom of our diary that says "complete this entry" and the little screen will pop up saying, "If every day were like today you'd weight (blank)lbs in 5 weeks".Now we all know that every day can not be duplicated precisely, but it made me curious if 5 weeks ago it told me the weight I am today. Let's have a little look see....NOPE. It was about 7-8lbs off (roughly speaking). Do any of you have success with the assumed result? Let me know, it'd be fun to see!


  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    At the end of our days we (most of us) hit the button at the bottom of our diary that says "complete this entry" and the little screen will pop up saying, "If every day were like today you'd weight (blank)lbs in 5 weeks".Now we all know that every day can not be duplicated precisely, but it made me curious if 5 weeks ago it told me the weight I am today. Let's have a little look see....NOPE. It was about 7-8lbs off (roughly speaking). Do any of you have success with the assumed result? Let me know, it'd be fun to see!

    Well like you said it's just an assumed based on if you repeated that day every day for 5 weeks, each day is different, each day you have a seperate calculated "if you repeated this day".
    Just use it as a guide.

    Mine has changed dramatically, the first few days of my new training regime i chewed through calories and ate very little, the "If everyday were today" said i'd lose 10lbs in 1 month the next day i couldn't train as hard and increased caloric intake to what is suggested and it halved the "You should lose" by 1 months time
  • ikinga
    ikinga Posts: 4 Member
    Well, that is just estimated. If you'd weight the same day the same and you'd eat and train the same day the same then you'd weight... It is fiction a bit, because as you loose weight, you need to train more in order to get same result, plus your body slowly gets used to the training. If you don't overeat once a week, your metabolism gets low. If it would be that simple, just maths, we'd all be super thin.