

  • Are you taking any recovery drinks? I had cramping and pains in the beginning and then I started taking Potassium and Gluteamin after my workout. Then they started going away.
  • I would try doing as much cardio as you can. Go for a long walk. Then make it a jog, and finally a run also. Since you have weights you can look at and they have tons of workouts created for specific muscles. Good luck! You can add me if you want to get more information.
  • If you go to you can see different workouts that have already been created or create your own. My friend created our workouts from there. They show you a video and have clear directions. Work those triceps!! Good luck.
  • I completed Insanity while I was doing Weight Watchers. I lost a total of 51 pounds. It is a hard workout. I would recommend trying it out at your own pace to start off and to add the intensity as you go. Also they send you a meal plan that is great and helps the weight loss. Good luck!
  • I support you, babe! You've made great changes already. TQM