MissouriRose Member


  • Drinking water helps, but tends to go right through me and leave me even hungrier lol. Definitely if you're feeling hungry I'd say make sure you're eating enough and eating the right things, add more protein, fats, fiber to make sure you're getting your nutrients and have some things to add bulk/transit time to keep you…
  • I track sodium as well because of my blood pressure, and I find staying between 1500-2000 mg also helps me lose weight more consistently. Definitely it's a lot of fresh foods and smaller meals. Freezer type meals or ready made rice or anything like that tends to be quite high but if I'm careful the rest of the day I can…
  • Need an "Almost comatose" level of activity for people like me lol
  • If it helps, I lost 50 and then gained back 100 lol
  • Wow... there's a thing called respect I try to live by. I get tough love, but... no. OP, I'm all about body positivity, and I have huge respect for loving yourself no matter what size you are. I think it's great that you're starting to think about your health, that's the best motivator for lifestyle changes in my opinion.…
  • I'm a part of a different 12 step group, and believe me, you don't have to be religious or believe in what you've been taught "God" is. A higher power can be any power greater than you on your own. It's all about learning that we are not all-powerful, we all need help, and that there is SOMETHING, anything, that can help…