mosschopscider Member


  • Yeah she looked at what I was eating (lots of processed white bread/rice/additives etc) and based the eating plan on that. its not all alkaline food, just trying to eat more alkaline food, more protein and less diet soda. i'm happy to try it for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference or not- I'm just wondering if it…
  • I completely agree it is all mental- your body can cope with huge traumas such as running marathons if you force it to. It will be a lot easier to keep running in the actual event as there will be other people running with you. Just remember not to start too fast, and I would advise you to pick a person in front of you who…
  • Think its all very much based on the intensity. When they tell you to turn up the resistance when its at its most you really should be struggling to move your legs. Very few people actually turn the resistance up this high. I am 150 ish lbs and only burn about 350 cals in a 45 minute spin class. I feel like I could pass…
  • in! I did the crunch challenge yesterday (my first one) and can feel it today! think I may have to break this up into 3 minute blocks :-)
  • Yep I've been to the gym, walked home but just seen this challenge! i am in ! Just watching Biggest Loserr USA for some motivation while I do them :-) :laugh:
  • Yep I'm in too. heading to the gym tomorrow to try and get some personal training sessions and Ive given up meals out and drinking out for the whole of May. I'm hoping the weight will just fall off ;-p
  • Yep. Lie on your side with the top leg over the front of the bottom leg so the top leg calf is on the floor in front,. Raise your lower leg. You should feel this in your inner thigh. Do 3 sets of 10/12.Turn on to your other side and repeat.