meeshboss Member


  • I fear that I might get lazy with it. But hey, three months isn't THAT long right? ;)
  • Chop up a ripe banana (maybe a banana and a half depending on how much you want) and then freeze it in a sealed container. Put frozen chopped up banana in blender. Add a spoonful of peanut-butter or almond-butter Add 1 tbs cocoa powder or a scoop of chocolate protein powder Add a splash of milk or almond milk (not too…
  • I have completed both the P90X and Insanity routines. I am now doing a combination of those with the addition of running. I am doing 3 days of P90X resistance along with 2 insanity days and the Insanity recovery. That gets me working out 6 days a week with plenty of variety. I am a runner too and have recently implemented…