bjgdal Member


  • Wahoo! It's "not much" it's "huge"! Congratulations. The health implications of a drop from obese to overweight are tremendous and I wish you continued success on your journey to your final goal! Betty
  • Wow! I've read a lot of these and there's a lot of good suggestions. I'll second "The Secret Life of Bees" and add Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Actually, I've enjoyed everything I've read by Follett but he does mostly historical fiction based on fact so if you're not into that you won't like them. They ARE long and…
  • Well, I'm not doing this because I care that much about what I look like so none of the mantra's that appeal to vanity will work for me. Mine is just "I want to live!" Because if I don't do this now there may not be a "later".
  • I've found this site that talks about will power and self discipline and its very good and I think helpful.
  • Hi all! I'm back on MFP after a lapse in my resolve but had a Dr. appt today and cholesterol and BP are up so I really need to redidicate myself to this lifestyle change. Haven't posted here in the past so I wanted to just say hi and best wishes to everyone. This is a tough process but we just have to stick it out. Betty