Im gonna do it this time!

niki1027 Posts: 29
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Im Niki, I just signed up today and i am really excited! I have been trying to lose weight for two years now and had lost 40 pound but i have gained 15 pounds back :( But I am committed again, and i am gonna get down to my original goal weight of 130 pounds. Im really hoping i can stay committed to losing the 25 pounds. My husband will be deploying at the beginning of the new year and i really wanna look good before he leaves, so that is my motivation! I look forward to making new friends as we take this weight loss journey together!!


  • I am starting again today after gaining 14lbs in the last 3 months!! Want to loose 25lbs before christmas, i know I can do it this time !

    Best of luck! :)
  • I think we can both do this!! Good luck!!
  • Awesome Niki! I think you are going to reach milestones. Best wishes to you and your family.
  • dnfenton
    dnfenton Posts: 24 Member
    Just keep logging in every day and stay honest we all can work through this together!

    Keep up the motivation!!
  • Good luck on your journey! I'm new to this site too..feel free to add me I have tons of support to give.
  • Thanks everybody! I'm so excited about this and i love the support from everyone!! Together we will all achieve our goals!
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello everyone, new to the site but not new to the weight loss roller coaster. I have been battling my weight for some time now, but when the scale topped at 271 I was done! I have been trying to do Weight Watchers online but feel like something has been missing. I think it is the interaction with others, they have a community board but this site is some much better. I really like the home page, sort of like FB, but focused on health goals. I am feeling motivated and am sure that we can all make this journey work together.
  • bjgdal
    bjgdal Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I'm back on MFP after a lapse in my resolve but had a Dr. appt today and cholesterol and BP are up so I really need to redidicate myself to this lifestyle change. Haven't posted here in the past so I wanted to just say hi and best wishes to everyone. This is a tough process but we just have to stick it out. Betty
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