jordanreddick Member


  • I can understand where you are coming from, now that I have reached my initial goal of 100 lbs lost I am taking the time now to notice all the changes my body is going through. Depsite all of the obvious changes from losing that much, everything is shifting as well and it's like I can almost see it before my eyes. You will…
  • I've lost almost 3 rings sizes, but I am now at goal so I can get the ones I wear all the time resized. I would wait until goal and if you ever feel it getting tighter, then you know to watch yourself again.
  • Make a game of it. Don't do it by pounds lost of course because he will beat you straight off. Men can lose weight a lot faster than women. Go by body fat percentage lost, not total body fat percentage because, again, men can get a lot smaller than women in that area and maintain at a lower rate. That will keep your…
  • Don't fret, it's water weight. Weigh in the mornings naked, rigth after using the bathroom and that will be your most accurate. Also watch the salt intake, it can make you retain several pounds of water.
  • Great job, you and I made the same journey, except I only had one baby. I feels so good to not be a slave to your own body anymore!
  • Sounds like you may be having a reaction to something on your skin that comes out when you sweat. I would see your doctor and bring up the issue.
  • I do, especially if I don't ever hear from them.
  • I actually know exactly what you are talking about. I had HORRIBLE hair loss after I started losing weight. It is because of all the hormones that are stored in the fat that you are now burning as fuel. When you burn the fat as fuel all of the hormones come out as well. Sometimes it is an overload for the body and their…
  • If you really want to do this you will find time for yourself. I am a single mother of a 2 year old daughter with no breaks on the weekends and I find time every weekday to go to the gym after work and she goes with me for an hour and a half and plays in kid care. We go home, eat dinner, bath, and bed. On the weekends…
  • Yes it does, you may be losing fat, but are eating things so full of sodium that you are retaining water and not showing a loss on the scale. Try eating clean, only raw or fresh fruits and veggies, track your sodium and eat things with lots of potassium to get rid of that water.
  • Change it up! Take some classes you have never done before, do different workouts you would never thought of trying. Workout with a friend, etc. etc CHANGE IT UP!! Both of you seem like you want to do this, but you haven't had your "enough" moment to really push you into it. When you get there it will be so easy you won't…
  • Being sore is awesome! once you get into being fitter and healthier it will come less and less frequent which makes it that much more rewarding. If I am sore after a workout I know I truly did something awesome. Remember being sore is your muscles repairing themselves from the awesomeness you completed, embrace it and keep…
  • I know exactly what you are going through. I got mono for the first time in 7th grade and haven't been the same since. I have had it a grand total of 3 times so you can imagine how taxing it was on my body. I also have a nerve disease in my left leg called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy which comes from an ankle break I had…
  • Every time I see someone who is obviously just starting their wieght loss journey and I think to myself every time I see them "Good for YOU". I know how hard it is to take the first step to the journey so for some gym bunny to laugh and giggle with her friends ake me as furious as you likely were. I would report her to the…
  • Thank you for posting this, every day I see people in the forum saying how different they are and how it doesn't work to do it this way or that way. People need to be more honest with themselves and things will "magically" happen
  • It has been said several times but an honest "Really!?" will get you a long way. People sometimes don't think before they open their mouths and think because you have made your weight loss public they can say whatever they want about it. Keep them in check and stand up for yourself. Don't make it ok for them to hurt your…
  • The 5 lbs you gained is water weight from all the sodium you ingested eating fast food and junk. Unless you eat 3500 calories over your daily alotment, you won't gain a pound. On the other hand PUT IT DOWN. Willpower got you where you are and willpower will keep you going. I suggest taking the scale away from yourself…
  • I agree with you, I don't get the theory either. Most people who argue for it have used the reasoning that they get to eat more, I'm not exercising to eat more, I'm exercising the weigh less.
  • I do, helps keep me on track
  • I am 100% with you on that one! I have reached goal and look in the mirror wanting everything to magically look like the models paraded in front of us all hours of the day. We do not go through life without paying for the mistakes we made and these are the remnants of us allowing ourselves to me unhealthy. Even if you were…
  • I think the worst ones are the one's closest to you. My mother has watched every step of my weight loss journey for the past 13 months and at first when I would tell her how much i had lost her immediate response was "You still have a long way to go" mind you this is coming from an overweight person herself, then when I…
  • I lost the first 70 lbs of my weight by mainly changing my diet, which consisted of getting a salad at Subway 4 days a week. A salad, with a little lettuce, mostly spinach, oven roasted chicken breast, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, black olives, black pepper, and their Chipotle Southwest sauce is just under 500 cals.…
  • My mother is not exactly the same, but similar. She has told me all my life how overweight I am and could not give me a compliment to save her life, especially when it came to weight loss. She is a typical southern woman who cooks with fat back and butter and a ton of salt. She will have leftovers from cooking when I come…
  • Go for meat with no breading, veggies (even if you have to pick th other stuff out), sushi (if they have it) but just the fish. Usually the one I go to has fruit and salad items. If it is a buffett, I am sure they have options. Good luck, willpower is everything!
  • Awesome for you!
  • Thank you everyone for the kind words! It was a long hard road, but if i have anything it is perserverance. I put my mind to it and it will happen. I never thought I would be anyone else's inspiration. It is a weird feeling and fills my heart with pride and I don't feel I deserve it at the same time. I will no longer be…
  • Thank you everyone! It has been a very long and hard journey, but I will never go back there again!
  • 5x the bottom shelf!!!!
  • It depends on how you hold the weight, for me to actually realize how much weight I had lost it was about 80 lbs into it. Other people noticed, but my visualization took a while to catch up. Depends on the person and where the weight falls on your body. Congrats on your accomplishment and keep up the good work!!