That's interesting stuff, so I'd still have a good 30lbs just to get to the max muscular weight (realistically I'll never get there but it's a ballpark). I'd done some linear progression as part of the 5x5 stuff, and I have to be honest and say it was what I enjoyed the most. I'll have a look at going back to that, maybe…
Points taken, thanks for the advice everyone. I'm gonna finish out my current GVT plan and see how I feel and either cut for a while (more difficult to overeat in the summer) or go back to a 5/3/1 variant and ramp the calories right up.
Sorry, I'll clear some of this up. I'm trying to gain size. My strength did improve doing the 5/3/1 and 5x5. I realise fat gains are a necessary part of bulking, but I only seem to be gaining fat, no muscle or real size in general. Of those 4-5kg I've gained in a year the only change I see is more fat, no significant…
Hey man Been working on gaining (with mixed results admittedly) for a little while and have found a couple of other options for protein. I personaly really like beef mince (where I live buthcers are cheaper than stores and have a lower fat % meaning you get more protein per gram) as it can be used in a lot of ways. There's…