

  • I'm hanging in, too! Fell behind a week with a virus plus 3 days of just being lazy. But I got back on and starting recovery week. Determined to finish!
  • I'm in the same boat!! Feel like I've made enough changes that I should see something. But almost nothing. Weight fluctuates within a four pound range--but not consistently dropping. Measurements not really dropping either. But I'm trying to remember I didn't get this way overnight. There's no way I can keep this up and…
  • Ilarotta, your results are inspiring. I'm on week 2 day 3 and hoping for similar results!
  • Hi, I'm Caroline. 36 years old, mother of four, needing to lose about 40 pounds. I'm about to go do my day 3 workout and I'm excited (even if a little sore). So glad to find this group. Go us!
  • Today will be day 3 for me. Would live some support and encouragement to keep it up. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! 36 years old wife/mother of 4..I also have no friends yet and could use some motivation. I'm at 167 as of yesterday and am looking to get to 130. I did it three years ago, it felt great, but I gained it all back...looking to changes habits for life this time. Both for weight and overall health. Anyone feel free to add…