


  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    hi! i'm in my fourth week now. started with 85 kg and lost 1 kg only, but my measurements are slowly changing. first week was hell: i felt dizzy and sore so much that i had trouble sitting :D
    second week is a lot easier, no more soreness, just plain old sweating every day.
    i'm very strict with dieting - eating about 1800 cals of only fruit, vegetables and lean meat and take protein shakes after workouts.
    important: don't expect to lose lots of weight in the first month, magic happens in the second month.

    Yeah, I think its great that there are a few people in the group that are already a couple weeks in. I'm in week 3 and in week 1 I GAINED 4lbs and freaked out...then I learned that when you start an intense workout, your body is shocked and retains water as a protective measure to help your joints. For me, the scale doesn't tell the story - I lost inches though...that's for sure and can feel the difference in the fit of my jeans.

    Inches come off before the pounds do, if I can say anything to those who just started...TAKE PICS, STAY OFF THE SCALE, USE MEASURING TAPE.
  • Ebethlonghorn
    Ebethlonghorn Posts: 10 Member
    I was happy to see this group as I started with my Fit Test yesterday. I was shocked how sore I was this morning as I run regularly and throw in 10 min trainers videos every other day (about 30 min worth). Regardless, I got up this morning to do day 2 as I am so ready to tone up. I had two children in the last four years (I am 37), lost most of the weight (40 lbs) in the last six months but would like to be at my all time low (145) by the end of May for vacation. I realize I may not lose this last 15lbs using Insanity so I know to quit looking at the scale and look more in the mirror. Hope we all have great luck!!!! Thank you for starting this group and letting join :bigsmile:
  • mzootie
    mzootie Posts: 133
    I was just about to ask on the forums has anyone on here tried the Insanity work out, then I found this group. I want to take the next step. I have worked out for many years and am in decent shape but never ate well enough or did enough cardio to get ripped . But after a few of Shaun T's workouts and with using Fitness Pal the last few weeks my goals look pretty attainable. Can't wait to get home at get my burn on with Insanity. So far I lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks and feeling fresh...
  • Hello, I am Tracy and I started Insanity a little earilier, on March 18. I like the idea of this group which is why I joined. I have lost 4 pounds since I started. I am looking forward to working out on Insanity and sharing my goals with the group.
  • Hi, I'm Caroline. 36 years old, mother of four, needing to lose about 40 pounds. I'm about to go do my day 3 workout and I'm excited (even if a little sore). So glad to find this group. Go us!
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm excited to have found this Group. I have been doing Insanity for 16 days now. I did my second Fit Test yesterday and improved on every exercise. I'm trying to lose 50 pounds, I have already lost ten with Insanity(probably more but gained back as muscle), healthy eating, and lots of water. so 40 to go

    Today is Polymeric Cardio Circuit LOL
  • lbransford
    lbransford Posts: 9 Member
    I'm excited to have found this Group. I have been doing Insanity for 16 days now. I did my second Fit Test yesterday and improved on every exercise. I'm trying to lose 50 pounds, I have already lost ten with Insanity(probably more but gained back as muscle), healthy eating, and lots of water. so 40 to go

    Today is Polymeric Cardio Circuit LOL

    Are you following the nutrition guide or just basic clean eating? I am hoping for great results; which I think the 10 lbs in 15 days is extraordinary.
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member

    well i started eating healthy about a week before starting insanity, then when i got the guide I followed it since but just for the recipes and number of meals, i lowered my calorie intake way down. the guide wanted me to eat 3200 a day! I have been eating 2000. Im just experimenting. I don't really know what im doing yet.

    I do eat lots of carbs all day, then after my workout, mostly just protein because i work out late.
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! My name is Megan. I am 5'2 and 152lbs. I started Insanity yesterday and it was DIFFICULT. I am a smoker also... Been trying to quit for over a month now and i got a lil over a week and then pick it back up. UGH. so hard to stop.

    I attempted the fit test yesterday morning and couldn't finish the whole thing! I did the warm ups and the 1st 3 exercises and I couldn't breath and felt like i was going to die! When my husband got home... He was trying to tell me he could do any workout video in his sleep... (he is 5'3 and 120lbs and ALL muscle) short and skinny, i know. so i challenged him... (hes a smoker also)... So we restarted the video that evening and he only got like 5 mins in before he had to stop! I was so happy to prove him wrong! But i got to finish the rest of the exercises i didn't do earlier in the day. Im stoked to keep doing the workouts... and hope to get results! I hope everyone gets the results they are looking for!

    I actually was a smoker ( about 3-5 a day ) and when I decided to get insanity I knew I couldn't keep smoking so I purchase the nicotine patch. Best money ever spent, Today it has been a week with no cravings and I can so tell a difference.
  • gcooper7
    gcooper7 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello, I started insanity two weeks ago. Tomorrow I do my second fit test and I'm looking forward to see my numbers on the scale and measuring tape. This program is starting to get a little easier but Month two looks like it's going to get tough again. I can't wait.
  • @ndrec - I am so glad to read your post. I started Day Two yesterday and was so embarrassed that I could not make it through the entire 42 minutes. The warmup killed me and my legs today are so sore that I dread taking the stairs. I was also quite depressed that 3 days of healthy eating and 2 days of exercise and I'm up a pound but reading your post helped put my focus back on inches not pounds. It's so great to see people in different weeks on this board. You help motivate us starters. Looking forward to pushing through week one and moving on to week two.
  • jmyoung971
    jmyoung971 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Everyone!!
    I just ordered Insanity so I am still waiting for it to come in. I am looking to start April 8th. I know I will be a few weeks behind but I would like to be a part of this group. Good luck to everyone and LET'S DO THIS!!
  • ilarrotta
    ilarrotta Posts: 160 Member
    So glad to have found a group doing Insanity!
    My name is Isabel and I am currently in my second round of Insanity. I completed my first round last year in December in October and then started a second round which I only did for a month. So you could say I did a round and half. During this time I lost 20lbs total and many inches off my body.
    Then I went on vacation and long story short I gained 5lbs. Now I am back at it! Insanity has been the one workout that has shaped my body incredibly! I am 3lbs away from where I left off last year.
    I am so excited about doing this, Love Insanity and look forward to getting to know everyone here!

    Ohhhh... My results from my previous Insanity round can be seen here:
  • danele85
    danele85 Posts: 21 Member
    Started insanity yesterday getting to this group a little late hope to still join in.
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    Started insanity yesterday getting to this group a little late hope to still join in.

    post your fit test results in the day1 fit test topic if you want.
  • niknak1125
    niknak1125 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all! I too just recently started Insanity yesterday. I hope I can join as well!

    My name is Niki and I am 34 years old. I started my journey after my daughter was born at 152lbs, I am now 129lbs and would like to get down to 115 lbs by this summer. This will be my first round of insanity.
  • dwyler21
    dwyler21 Posts: 108 Member
    wow that is awesome weight loss. good job. How was your second day? lol
  • Ilarotta, your results are inspiring. I'm on week 2 day 3 and hoping for similar results!
  • niknak1125
    niknak1125 Posts: 8 Member
    wow that is awesome weight loss. good job. How was your second day? lol

    My second day was EXHAUSTING!!! I tried to push myself, but i had to stop ALOT! This morning I woke up extra early (4am) to complete day 3. When I walked downstairs into my living room, I was freezing, when I crawled back up the stairs to take a shower, I was burning up and dripping with sweet! But I am glad I got through it, even though I stopped a lot again, but I know my limits. I am currently online looking for a hrm, because I need to make sure that I stay within my range.
  • ilarrotta
    ilarrotta Posts: 160 Member
    Ilarotta, your results are inspiring. I'm on week 2 day 3 and hoping for similar results!

    Thank you! It only gets better and better. You will love your results! I am also looking forward to getting to my goal weight.