

  • It's one time, do not beat yourself up over it. I cheat one day a week, because that is what I need to feel....whatever it is I need to feel! LOL But when I have days that I really want to splurge, I read the success stories, I find alot of motivation there. :smile:
  • I always liked Happy Christmas = Merry Christmas or on holiday = on vacation
  • You totally got this! Half the battle is realizing you stopped...and then starting again! Bam - you already did that! =) So get going and do your best until your trip...and by all means - have a blast!!!
  • I agree with cbbn11 ~ take a few days off and then start back. You may need the extra calories to get that confusion going and then drop back down. is your water intake? Water is a huge part of losing weight. Good luck! We know you can do it!!
  • I have a friend at work, we are losing weight together, that just started on MFP. But I wouldn't call it a secret, if someone asked I would tell them. Like many others, I really don't want my FB "family" to creep on me here either! LOL
  • That is so awesome! You brought tears to my eyes....