

  • i only joined here too, but since joining i read a post that explained eating below the recomended is very bad for you so yea here is an idea i use to boost up the calories healthly, it's a make called mash direct, beetroot and cabbage, sounds terrible tastes delicous
  • that is a brillient idea, i could easily put something beside me, i will try water and maybe a bag of veg prepared, i should make wee lunch boxes, especially useful for the mornings if not ate, thankyou
  • i'm good to in what i eat before bed, but in the middle of the night i wake up about 2 or three times and uncontollably eat, i dont al2ways do it, but i sometime get in a routine of it over a few days and then quit my diet because of it. scared right now of quiting already because of it, i should be more busy next week and…
  • add me in, just started my fitness pal today and want to finish this challenge with a smile on my face.
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