cmacdonald8 Member


  • Thanks Rose. I think a lot of the symptoms were due to the fact that I was eating less than 400 calories a day for the last ten days, so for now I am going to focus on the elimination diet I was given while striving for a healthier calorie intake. The medications I am on dries my mouth and throat out so bad that it is hard…
  • No apologies, you are right! I compartmentalize my treatment, so that the mental health providers deal with the mental health stuff and the medical providers just the medical stuff, even though they are obviously interconnected. My medical doctor doesn't know about my past eating disorder because I have only seen her for a…
  • Thank you for your reply. I wish you the best!
  • Welcome Shoniej! I hope your Whole30 is off to a great start!
  • I agree with the previous two posters, Whole 30 is all about listening to your body. You should be proud of yourself for all of the positive steps you are taking and the fact that you know your body well enough to know what it needs. Most people cannot say that. I wish you the best and look forward to hearing from you!
  • I am so happy to see so many posts!!! It sounds like everyone is doing well on their journey! I love Trader Joe's I was planning on going there to get some nuts either tonight our tomorrow, thanks for the tip on the chicken breasts! I am finding Costco to be my best friend, because the have bulk veggies (some organic) at a…
  • I found the best cardio for me was swimming, if you have access to a pool I would def reccommend trying it out. I swam until just a few days before giving birth and towards the end when I was in the pool was the only time that my joints didn't ache. Wishing you all the best!!!
  • How long have you eaten Paleo/Primal? 2 days :) What's your favorite Paleo-approved meal? Lemon and Garlic Chicken with roasted broccoli and asparagus What's your favorite Paleo Approved Snack? Probablly macademia nuts, but I am really excited about the homeade beef jerky that is in the oven right now! What's the…
  • Rant Definition (according to Bing): speak in loud **exaggerated** manner: to speak or say something in a very loud, aggressive, or bombastic way, usually at length and repetitively. Give the woman a break! It sounds like a very tough situation. I work at an adult (17+) school for students who previously dropped out of…
  • Thank you, it worked great!
  • The spreadsheet is public, but we are not allowed to edit. You should just have one check mark to make, I believe it is "anyone can edit". Thanks for making it, looks great!!!
  • I weighted 175 in July and totally let myself go while writing a thesis, moving and changing jobs! I have to get back down before all my family comes and sees what I have turned into! Thanks for the challenge!!! Height: 5'7" Starting weight: 205 12/25 Goal Weight: 185 UGW: 130
  • I appreciate all the info, even though it is several months later. Thanks for all of the posts!
  • I've definitely had issues due to meds as well. I saw that you have a 4-year-old, my son will be 3 just after Christmas. I try to get as much excercise with him as I can, going for walks, playing at the park, swimming, etc... My biggest enemy has been soda and qucik and easy (unnutritous) meals. For me I just had to cut…
  • Hey, I'm Carly, I am 28 and live in the US. I have a 2.5 year old and work as a special ed teacher. I am just finishing up my masters, so outside of work, school and family I do not have much of a life. My ed started when I was 11, I was in and out of residential treatment and acute inpatient and did ok for a few years,…