stephienmatt Member


  • I have only lost a few pound at the moment so wouldnt be noticed anyway, but wanted to reply to those of you that say people arent commenting. Whilst ths is so frustratingm it could be politeness or simply the fact that the people you say regularly get used to you as you are and as the changes are subtle the forget what…
  • im also trying to lose exactly 50lbs! feel free to add me :) Im setting myself mini goals though, my first is 5lbs :)
  • Hi Sarah, When you say really good 5 days a week but bad for 2 , how bad is bad? If your only eating a chocolate bar and a glass of wine you could factor that into your allowance at a weekend and still lose weight, however if your eating takeaways and chocolate and bottle of wine then thats what will either gain the weight…
  • im 5'5-6 and am currently 190lbs my goal is 140lb too, will add you in a min all the best on your goals! i also have the goal of getting pregnant soon but after gaining 5 stone during my last pregnancy, i need to get some more of this weight off first! ;)
  • Hey, Im new to this website, started logging in yesterday! I am trying to lose about 60lbs as im currently 200lbs and am 5"5, wouls love to be your weight loss buddy! Good luck steph P.s am trying ot work out how to add my pic on here :)