Tried these a couple of days ago and they turned out perfect! Very crisp, easy to make and tasty. Thanks for posting!
This is great! Thank you for posting (and all of you for sharing)....It's crazy how much madness/agony/stress the scale can give you! Good reminder that healthy living is more than just the number on the's about how you feel and how things are fitting. Great job ladies.
Thank you all! I apppreciate the list and the links!
Hi all! Just joined a few days ago and have committed to finally get rid of the stubborn 15 pounds of extra weight I have been carrying around. 10 of that was from when I stopped's time to get serious! About me: I'm 36, not married, no children. I have an active go go go lifestyle (which derails my fitness…
Awesome job from just a few small changes!! Congrats and keep up the great work!
Exellent Link! Thank you for posting.
Hi there! I am also in my 30's, have an active lifestyle, no children, not married (dating however)....and can't lose that last stubborn 10-15 pounds. When I'm diligent about losing weight, I do really well and go full steam ahead focusing on nothing but being healthy........but then life, activities, travel, fun etc get…
New here also and looking for support. Go ahead and add me. Trying to get a handle on my portion control and counting calories is the only thing that works for me. Good luck to you!