amangie1 Member


  • Eating at the goal they give you is ideal. I have found that going over a little a few times a week is not that big of a deal, I still lose weight. Constantly eating under your goal can sometimes be just as harmful as constantly going over, everyone is different so you just need to find what works best for you. Good luck…
  • My 9 year old told me that some little girl on his bus told him that his mom was really fat. He looked at her and said no shes not everyones different sizes, that doesn't make her fat. He was ready to throw down with that little girl lol
  • My oldest son who is now 9 started taking meds in first grade, he was very emotional for the first few weeks and then everything leveled out and he was able to focus more. We finally got his dosage set right and he is doing very well .