My daughter, and one of my sons, suffers from these effects and while I have had my own share of depression, I can't begin to appreciate the struggle that they go through. I've watched my wife struggle with this after having each of our kids and that effect seems to be transient and related purely to hormonal changes. All…
The simple, and most overlooked option, is to greatly increase physical activity. Eating more often, and healthy, whilst excising will help increase your metabolism. This will, a) allow you to eat more, b) burn off more calories, and c) prevent your body from slowing the burn rate due to a lack of fuel. I personally do NOT…
If you want something sweet, try Atkins diet bars available at Walmart for about 1.50 each (sold in packs of 5 or 6). They have very few net carbs and are very sweet. Some, like the Cinnamon Bun Bar, are like desert, are 170 cals with 3 net carbs.
You must mean 'LOW carbs' not 'NO carbs'. You will, over time, die without ANY carbs. Eat good carbs (broccoli, iceberg lettuce, green beans, asparagus) but keep it under 20-30 net carbs per day (the Atkins induction strategy). Net carbs are the grams of carbs minus the grams of fiber in the food. For example, 1 cup of…
I'm not 100% sure what would be best for your goals but for me, it's always do weights then cardio. I stretch, do my weight training, then do my cardio by treadmill, running outside, biking, or a combination of those. After I'm done, I stretch again. My cardio is usually pretty strenuous and I'm typically exhausted and…
I replace my pants every 2 sizes I drop, my shirts every 3 sizes. I started at size 46 pants and I could wear 32 now. I went from 3XXL to M is shirt sizes for example. I wait until the pants are bunching up and the shirts make me look like a flying squirrel before replacing them. I also punched a couple of extra holes in…
I wasn't able to find anything relating the Merina Coil to a chemical reaction that would cause weight gain. Many mistakes with calorie counting arerelated to counting the small stuff. For example, you cooked your eggs with a tsp of butter but only recorded the eggs, you added mustard to your sandwich, grabbed a small…
Can you explain how that is measured and give an example of adjusting one's diet or regimen to maintain a proper macro range?
I've experienced that as well. I've also tried kicking up the cals (like recently), and I typically add some weight back on (expected), then it goes flat, then declines again. The problem is that also flattens out eventually, so I drop the calories, drop some more, then build the cals back up. It seems that the metabolism…
Yes, my TDEE is around 3,500 in a given day with workouts. My measured BMR is about 1,720. By some measurements, it could be calculated that somebody like me should eat a net of 2,500 calories per day (net) in order to continue losing weight.
1,200 is the baseline target if I sit on my butt - at least according to MyFitnessPal recommendations. I regularly eat between 1,600 and 1,800 on any given day when I work out. My net calories consumed is generally less than 800 however. If I'm hearing everybody right, it seems the recommended the solution when weight loss…
I am doing that, my body fat is around 20% and muscle mass is about 37%. I didn't know that. I always assumed more mass meant more caloric needs. Good point. I am consuming about 45% protein, 35-40% fat, and the 15-20% carbs. I try to keep the fiber up to lower my net carb intake. Very good advice. Thanks. :smile:
Well you are right on the money Amy, my average net calorie consumed is just under 800. The calorie goal (1,200) was set by MyFitnessPal. I suppose it suggests that because I have a desk job and I said I'm sedentary most of the day, which is true, even though I workout for about 2 hours in a given day.
That's true, but more muscle mass = more calorie burn. As a general rule, heavy weights and low reps = more mass. Higher reps with low weights = more definition and tone. To significantly affect muscle mass, you need to break down the muscle tissue by exhausting it. The best way to do that is to start with a weight that…