

  • I have my music set up on my phone so that at certain times when I am losing momentum I am given that extra bit of motivation. At 30 mins into it I have the song Burn! ~ Megadeth kick in. Having Dave say Burn baby burn.... GREAT motivation! I also have some Combichrist, Rammstein, INXS, NIN, Paradise Lost, and In Flames.…
  • I am the worst when it comes to logging what I eat on here. And when I did do it, I only did about half of what I ate, so dont judge on my journal. I have found that if I logged how much I ate that it depressed me about as much as it does some people who weigh themselves every day. I generally eat a lot of raw veggies.…
  • Ok Jessica, Bump up the good foods, and get rid of the bad ones. You need to eat at least 1200 especially with housework. Fidgeting is also good for burning calories while you are sitting. If you can, see if you have a hypo thyroid.
  • Try eating less processed foods, and more real foods. Avoid gluten if you can. Eat more seaweed (seriously, the iodine in it helps your thyroid, which helps with weight loss) Try to consume no more than 27 grams of sugar a day. What kind of exercise are you doing? Building muscle is very good, muscle continues to burn fat…
  • Add me please! I need help with keeping motivated. I am really giving this a whole hearted shot, and am even going so far as keeping a physical journal to help me track my progress inside and out. Since I have jumped back in on the 25th I have lost 2lbs. So! Please add me :D
  • 1.5lbs a week. I started on the 2nd to last week of February at 175. I started on here at 165. I am now down to 162.
  • A friend of FB posted his progress. I checked out the website, downloaded the app, and have been here ever since!
  • Umm. I would threaten to sue. The fact that this employee was not fired after incident #1 is a clear indication that the gym does not protect their patrons information, and that you were not at least compensated for your aggravation, as well as your privacy being violated..... Screw a lifetime membership. Do you really…
  • Also. This is from the Mixer's website. Most wines come in under the 100 calories per glass (4oz). 80 calories White Zinfadel, Sauvignon Blanc, Marsala 85 calories Chablis 90 calories Riesling, Chardonnay, White Burgundy, Cabernet Sauvignon 95 calories Red Burgundy, Red Bordeaux, Beaujolais, Merlot, Rhone, or Rose 100…
  • I only take half shots of alcohol. This makes it so that I am able to participate longer with drinking, and I dont get inebriated as fast. Capt. Morgan is about 60 calories a shot. Half a shot is 30 calores. Given that is still 300 calories, but on days that we drink I make sure to cut out things that I would normally…
  • The main reason that diet pills work is because of caffeine. With high blood pressure caffeine will just make it worse. You need to talk to your healthcare provider perhaps about vitamins instead. If you are taking medication you will want to discuss with him/her about possible side effects that can come about from certain…
  • Eat normally, or at the very least eat healthier. Try to have a raw veggie day today. My hubby is constantly sabotaging my diet, and so when I find out how many calories I have had I take the next day as a raw veggie day. No dressings or anything like that. Broccoli, carrots, sugar snap peas, salad (with vinegar), and…
  • I never had a weight problem till in just the last 6 years. When I got out of the military I was 105. Before I had my son I was 108.5lbs. After he was born I had an altercation with the hospital nurses because they couldn't believe that I was my child's mother. I came in wearing size 3 jeans, and my tits to my chin. It was…
  • This song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LViMHXlbhqs
  • Ohhhhhh!! * Squee* I have this on my kindle (i preordered it). If you are a DT fan like me then reading this book is like sitting down with an old friend that you love and miss. I personally dont see how it can stand alone, but I definitely see how it fits between 4 and 5. When I was done I actually started it all again…
  • I actually quit smoking analog cigarettes in April 2009 (woo hoo 3 years!) with the help of the E-Cig. All the benefits that we love of smoking with out the smell of an ashtray, the death, and with more breathing!! Right now I am vaping Orange Creamcicle! Mmmmmmm Here's a pic of me dolled up in February being a goof and…
  • .............. I would be lying if I said that I wouldnt want to give it a shot.
  • ^Posts cute Kitty pics! <Has a lot of firearms v Will be the first to die in the Zombie Apocalypse!
  • I am a military liaison officer. I prepare my dinner meal the night before so that I can take it to work the next day. I also keep a plethora of healthy snacks on me at all times. Fortunately I am able to get use of a gym pretty late.
  • This might be a bit of a TL;DR.... but bare with me here. My family is very open about these topics. Due to my starting employment at 15, and going to school full time I was not really interested in sex, though I did have a plethora of boyfriends. My mother always said to me if I wanted to have sex to make sure to let her…
  • 8 Love the tie, but I cant see your face.
  • That poor girl. I really do feel sorry for her. Imagine being so desperate to be something that you are not? The poor girl doesnt even really smile, and when she does it is a fake smile. I think I will stick with my own appearance. I know I am not perfect, but I know that I am still a knock out. And for the guys saying…
  • Generally when I go in, I am one of maybe 3-5 customers in the store. I have stopped shopping during the day if I can help it.
  • Guess I am lucky or something. Because of my hours at work I never get home before 2230 (1030pm), and when I get to walmart for vitamins, or what ever no one is in the store, and there is a little bell at the register for when I am ready. Depending on how long I take I am generally in and our in 20 mins. The staff is…
  • Raven 32yo 1) I absolutely love what I do for a living! 2) I am a total glamazon even though I say to everyone else that I am not. 3) I have a nursing degree though I never used it. 4) I sleep best in the cold. 5) I am spooked by my bedroom, and who may be hiding under my bed. O_o