jgerlach Member


  • My family and I eat paleo and just finished our whole30 and are now on a "whole20".We all feel GREAT. I documented our journey to help encourage others and give meal ideas. You can check it out if you want at www.wholefamilystrong.com or on facebook at Whole Family. Keep up the good work!
    in Paleo Comment by jgerlach November 2011
  • My family and I just finished our whole30 and are now on a "whole20". I agree that it is normal to feel bad a few days in but it gets better and then you feel GREAT. I documented our journey to help encourage others and give meal ideas. You can check it out if you want at www.wholefamilystrong.com or on facebook at Whole…
  • This is wonderful! My whole family did the whole30 challenge for the month of October and loved it so much, we took 2 days off and have started again until Thanksgiving. We love the way we feel, my husband lost 15 pounds in 30 days, and my 8 year old diabetic son's blood sugar numbers are completely under control for the…