

  • Congrats - I'm going to show hubby the pics so hopefully they'll inspire him to start working out and eating better with me. Thank you for sharing.
  • Sounds like you need to rest it and then start back slowly. It might help to do a combination of jogging/fast walking for your 5k to prevent further injury. Cycling can be easier on your knees but you need to make sure your bike is adjusted properly. I had major pain in my knee while cycling until I took it into the bike…
  • Just found this but figured it's never to late. SW: 150 lbs (5/10/13) CW: 150 lbs GW: 145 lbs Weigh in dates: 3 May - missed 10 May - 150 lbs 17 May - 24 May - 31 May - Total weight lost: Just for fun: What fitness event are you going to accomplish this month? I want to beat my 5K time of 32.47. I have a race this Saturday…
  • When I first started my weight loss plan, 1200 calories was too low because I was heavy and it would have been impossible to maintain. As I lost weight (30 lbs) that number was adjusted down to where I am at 1200 calories net (I exercise 4-5X a week). I find it hard to attain that number some days even though I eat all…
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