
  • 3 cups of your favorite dark green greens like spinach, baby kale.... stalk of celery 1/2 banana 1/2 apple or pear 1 heaping Tblsp of Rice protein powder 1 tblsp of flax seed almond milk to help mix it all together in the blender (1/2 cup +/-) water if needed to liquify.... Yummo...I drink this in the evening...very…
  • One thing that works great for me is to keep my carb intake per meal or snack less than 30 grams of carbo's,......I am an active person with horses and herding dogs....using myfitnesspal does help keep Blood Sugars and weight in check....and I can use the report function to give to my endocrinologist....along with BS &…
  • My daily total averages 22 units on the pump.....1/2 is basal and the other 1/2 is bolus.....I've been on the pump for +12 years and a Type 1 diabetic for 42 years....does this help?
  • Diagnosed at age 10.....42 years ago....T1 from onset. On minimed pump for 12 years...decided to try it to get away from eating for my insulin with MDI...and I'm glad I did...I love the pump. I need to lose 25 lbs. My BMI = 30 and my weight is 170 @ 5'4". My A1C range from 5.5-6.5. I'm menopausal and having problems with…
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