

  • Welcome aboard, this is a great place and for me, I know, it is really helpfull to be able to track what you eat and burn. Makes me more likely not to cheat when I am recording it..
  • Maybe you are replacing fat with muscle, which is denser than fat so check your measurements, you may find you have gained a few pounds but lost inches. Sometimes that is why masurements can give you a better read than weight can. Your most likely doing great.:drinker:
  • I woke up last night too feeling hungry. I ate a bowl of oatmeal which seemed to fill me up pretty good. Hasn't happened to me before but I worked out pretty hard yesterday.
  • On the humorous side of your comment my father in law wieghs in at about135, he is 60 and about 5'8 trim and in good shape, his wife has maybe 5-8 extra pounds and everytime she diets, he, by default, diets, it's so funny he is going to dry up and blow away one day:laugh:
  • Well put it behind you, you will be fine. Maybe do what I do when I want a little extra, I walk till I have "earned" enough extra calories. You will do fine we all do it from time to time. We use to have a saying when I was in the service, something bad would happen but we couldn't stop to think about it, or let it get us…
  • Don't quote me but it seems I ran across an article that said yes, but some drinks have things that will make you retain water or get rid of it. Guess it depends on the drink. Myself I count fruit juice, cool-aid type drinks but not cola's or tea/coffee
    in Water Comment by bob9304 January 2008
    in Myspace? Comment by bob9304 January 2008
  • Welcome, know what you mean about the coke thing, I drank on average 2litres+ per day. I hate the taste of diet coke. I drink mostly water, iced tea with artificial sweetner and every once in a while toss back one of those new 8oz cans of coke, but not often. Good luck lots of great people here for support.
  • I wasn't trying to be rude either, was just trying to figure out the easiest way to explain, yours turned out more to the point.
    in MYTH Comment by bob9304 January 2008
  • I think most of us see ourselves in a much more critical way than others do, you most likely look great and you know you have lost so feel good about that. :smile:
  • Welcome great site with good ifo and people...good luck
  • one final note, most people when they refer to "Muscle weighs more than fat" are technically wrong but most people would understand that they are talking about mass and not straight weight. i.e. a pound of fat is equal in weight to a pound of muscle. But when most people are making this statement they mean muscle has a…
    in MYTH Comment by bob9304 January 2008
  • sounds good, love mexican but alot of it is killer in the calorie department. I can deal with the ground turkey, may give it a try. thanx
  • LOL know what you mean we had about 2 inches the other day, lasted about 30 hours and the run on the stores emptied them of bread, milk and chips...
  • LOL that's great, a problem we are all trying for I think.:smile:
  • Welcome and good luck. Lots of folks here to help, just ask. Wow Wisconsin, that's what 9 months of winter and 3 months of bad skiing, just kidding coming from here where we have 12 months of bad skiing and 9 months of Where is the air conditioner!:wink:
  • Yea its a net thing 1000 per day needed you burn 300 extra you need 1300. Thank God for this cause when I am jones'n for that little extra I can go walk until I have enough extra:bigsmile: Bob
  • I weigh in about 370 more or less but I am a man and could care less who knows, my wife on the other hand I haven't a clue. She guards that number more effectively than the Army guards Fort Knox. And I value my safety to much to try real hard to find out. :smile: Bob
  • The original post was about someone working out and not losing weight, the answer 'could be' the person put on muscle mass, and as a mass muscle is heavier/denser than fat. This is how you can diet and work out and not see much of a weight loss, because you have gained muscle, this is why measurements are better gauges…
    in MYTH Comment by bob9304 January 2008
  • I need to lose about 150# :smile:
  • Well the first step you have already taken, coming here. Just keep trying. I am 48, weigh 370 or so and for the past 5 months have been sitting home doing nothing, on short term disability, it took me a week of walking to make it more than 1/2 a block. But you can do it. For me the best thing is forcing myself to record…
  • welcome. Plenty of support here it is a great place. Good luck.
  • Walking, in my opinion, is the best place to start. Its easy, or as easy as you need, can be increased as you get in shape. You can do it anywhere, on inclement weather days i walk in circles in my garage. Housework, moving furniture, any activity helps. Just stick to it. Don't try to do it all at once. If you need…
  • ya' came to a good place, welcome
    in Newbie Comment by bob9304 January 2008
  • :smile: Everyone has a bad one just shake it off and find an outlet, sounds easy and I know somtimes it's not and can be frustrating but you can do it. Walk, go window shopping, go on a drive, or even change around the furnature. Bob:drinker:
  • Welcome aboard, this is a great place!
  • :smile: Welcome and good luck. Great place here.:smile:
  • Hey sometimes the scale is not the best indicator, if you have been excercising you may have added muscle. We know muscle weighs more than fat. Better to do measurements, you may find you have lost inches just gained muscle mass and that you have indeed lost fat!! Don't despair you are most likely doing fine just keep at…
  • I found a book a while back called "You on a diet" It was by far the most informative book I have ever read on how the body processes the stuff you eat, why we feel full, or don't. What are the danger areas. It is by far, in my opinion, the best book out there for people who need to diet. It is not so much a diet, like…
  • I have a couple of suggestions. First try to find a farmers market in your area, not a whole lot in the winter but the rest of the year good savings on locally produced stuff. Next my wife plays the "Grocery game" it's a web site you join tell them your area supermarkets and each week they will put together a list of the…