Found this in an article thought it was helpfull: "don't worry if it doesn't come close to the magical "8 glass" rule.(water intake) Nearly 20% of your water intake comes from food anyway, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. If you're peeing at least every 8 hours and your urine is light…
I found a book a while back called "You on a diet" It was by far the most informative book I have ever read on how the body processes the stuff you eat, why we feel full, or don't. What are the danger areas. It is by far, in my opinion, the best book out there for people who need to diet. It is not so much a diet, like…
Thought I would say hi to group. Need to drop about 150 lbs. I am 48, male, 6'4" and just fed up with being large. I weigh in at about 370 right now, gonna be a long road.