

  • 116lbs! Well done that's crazy weight loss... keep up the hard work and the rest will continue to fall off. Whilst there is a ton of advice I'm sure you will get on this forum, here is my contribution for giving a kick-start to your weight loss by boosting your metabolism further: Add two cups of Green Tea everyday to your…
  • Take that rest day! Giving your body time to recover is just as important as the exercise itself, and certainly not something you should feel guilty about (as long as you don't take that opportunity to indulge and eat over your calorie allowance). If you never let your body recover properly then you will run the risk of…
  • Adopting a Vegetarian or (particularly) Vegan diet has many long term health benefits compared to meat-eaters such as lower susceptibility to developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, osteoporosis and circulatory conditions. And without wanting to proselytize, those that scoff at the Vege/Vegan diet…
  • Whilst I'd agree with some of the other posters on here that your estimated calorie burn may be a little too high, there is certainly nothing wrong with the fact you work out so much. What's tolerable for one individual differs hugely from person to person, and as long as your energy levels are not affected and you are…