Burning lots of calories & cant eat them back!



  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    How do you find the time to workout so much?! Especially since you work and go to school too? And clean? I have two kids, stay home and don't work, workout about an hor a day, and I STILL feel like there is not enough time in the day. I want your efficiency and time management. I like working out too now that i started and I would love to do it more and longer.

    I work graveyards and honestly don't sleep much because of that. I wake up around 11am on the days I have school, have classes from about 12-3pm, gym from 3:30-7:30, home, shower, make "lunch" and a protein shake, and then work from 10pm-6am. my days that I dont have class, I sleep until about 1/2pm, I either run/walk the track with the dog for 2 hours those days, or I'll go to the gym for about 3 hours.

    Your exercise/cleaning/etc. sounds too extreme. You simply do not need to be burning that many calories, it really isn't good for your body. You're overworking yourself. I would find a hobby if I were you.

    my cleaning and about 35 minutes of the logged walking is mandatory due to work. Like I said, I am set to sedentary on here, and log this because of that reason. I paint and play music outside of work, school, and the gym. So I have plenty of hobbies. I honestly don't see how being active and enjoying it is a bad thing...? 3 hours a day 5-6 days a week isn't bad. I do take my rest days, and if I feel worn out I will rest or take an easy walk. but typically, i have a ton of energy to burn. i feel good when i'm active. thus, i do the 3 hour deal.

    again, i am here for helpful advice with eating back my calories.
    the rest of your opinions are great, but this is the lifestyle i live and i enjoy. i am trying to do this in a healthy way.

    i am also getting ready for a big backpacking trip, soon, and i am an avid hiker in the summer. part of this 30 day push is to help get myself ready for hiking/backpacking season... so i can take some vacation time and enjoy the spring/summer!
  • Jonahyona
    Jonahyona Posts: 108 Member
    Damn, I didn't know one could burn 2,000 calories in a day o.o
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    How the hell do you have six hours spare to exercise? (and that's cardio only)

    Honestly exercising that much is not healthy. Professional athletes don't exercise that much. Because their bodies are their income and they treat them with care. I don't know how long you've been doing this but when you crash it will be hard. You're also going to have a horrific time maintaining weight when you stop exercising like that.

    If you NEED to exercise six hours a day to relieve stress then I suggest seeing a psychologist. That's ED territory right there.

    If you look at her exercise diary - a lot of the long days of 'working out' she's logging 100+ minutes of cleaning (not just exercising)

    yea...that's what I saw..I don't know how they read 6 hours? I read that she even have 30 minutes of her time streteching and doing thing like yoga...Nothing in her workout regimen seems too much to me...if she has the time, energy, and proper diet...I think she is fine.

    thank you :) yeah, i'm just working toward improving the diet portion of all of this right now. I do appreciate the backup from those of you sticking up for me... haha :) thanks
  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    I would do the arc trainer at planet fitness for an hour and burn between 900-1200 calories depending on the tension i put the machine on..It is possible
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    How are you measuring your burn? Do you use a HRM?

    I have a Polar chest strap that syncs for my cardio with all of the machines I use, so that is with that. I do have a HRM but it's a POS and is inaccurate. I am saving up to get a polar. The strength training/walking outdoors is through MFP calculations.
    Though it may sync, if the machines calibrations are off, then the reading will be inaccurate. And I bet the machines aren't even calibrated once a month.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    How are you measuring your burn? Do you use a HRM?

    I have a Polar chest strap that syncs for my cardio with all of the machines I use, so that is with that. I do have a HRM but it's a POS and is inaccurate. I am saving up to get a polar. The strength training/walking outdoors is through MFP calculations.
    Though it may sync, if the machines calibrations are off, then the reading will be inaccurate. And I bet the machines aren't even calibrated once a month.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    good to know! i am looking into getting a polar this month. any suggestions? i was thinking an FT4 but have heard mixed reviews about them.... i just don't want to throw away my money on something not worth it.... and don't want to spend "too much"...
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active! Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active!

    I am still new to the whole TDEE thing. I will have to do those calculations tonight.
    Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?

    Do you mean spreading out food? I try to do this, but honestly the only time I have to go to the gym is when I wake up most days, or after class. My work schedule really screws me up with that. I typically have a problem eating in the morning, so most days it's a protein bar... but I am specifically trying to eat larger and better in the mornings. I actually ate eggs, toast, pb, and a banana this morning which was a HUGE thing to me... haven't done that in YEARS, because of not being hungry! The rest I do spread out. I eat every 2 hours, give or take. sometimes maybe 3/4 hours gets in there.. just depends on my day and when I have the time for it.
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    Since you asked about heart rate monitors I would say your choice of going with the FT4 is a good one. It's relatively cheap but does a great deal, probably everything you would need it to do. I got the FT7 (as far as I can tell it's not much different from the FT4 besides being able to sync up with the computer which is a feature I don't use at all). I often find the number on the machine to be much higher than what the HRM gives me. An example would be today I burned 1200 according to the machine but only 833 according to my HRM. If you're eating back your exercise calories, as you are, then 400 can be a big deal that adds up. I think investing in a HRM would be well worth it for you.

    To answer your initial question though, I would suggest peanut butter or protein shakes to help close the calorie gap. Or just try to add a couple hundred more calories to each meal (such as a serving of PB) and it should help close the gap. Good luck =)
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Since you asked about heart rate monitors I would say your choice of going with the FT4 is a good one. It's relatively cheap but does a great deal, probably everything you would need it to do. I got the FT7 (as far as I can tell it's not much different from the FT4 besides being able to sync up with the computer which is a feature I don't use at all). I often find the number on the machine to be much higher than what the HRM gives me. An example would be today I burned 1200 according to the machine but only 833 according to my HRM. If you're eating back your exercise calories, as you are, then 400 can be a big deal that adds up. I think investing in a HRM would be well worth it for you.

    To answer your initial question though, I would suggest peanut butter or protein shakes to help close the calorie gap. Or just try to add a couple hundred more calories to each meal (such as a serving of PB) and it should help close the gap. Good luck =)

    Thanks :)
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active!

    I am still new to the whole TDEE thing. I will have to do those calculations tonight.
    Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?

    Do you mean spreading out food? I try to do this, but honestly the only time I have to go to the gym is when I wake up most days, or after class. My work schedule really screws me up with that. I typically have a problem eating in the morning, so most days it's a protein bar... but I am specifically trying to eat larger and better in the mornings. I actually ate eggs, toast, pb, and a banana this morning which was a HUGE thing to me... haven't done that in YEARS, because of not being hungry! The rest I do spread out. I eat every 2 hours, give or take. sometimes maybe 3/4 hours gets in there.. just depends on my day and when I have the time for it.

    I just looked at your diary and IMHO I think you shouldn't log your cleaning as it is done on a daily basis, so is the "norm" for you! Or maybe still log it BUT don't eat them back as it should already be factored in your daily activity/calorie allowance anyway! I don't log my cleaning/cooking or anything that I do on a normal day I only log actual exercise (cardio, weights etc...) I also don't log stretching. If you took out the cleaning cals and stretching cals burnt then you are looking at a more feasible amount of cals to eat back IF you do eat them back!

    I hope this makes sense?!?!? I have kind of rambled, was also wondering why you clean so much every day? I clean every day normally takes 10 mins and then a big clean on a Sunday which can take up to 2 hours, and that is for a 3 bedroom house with 2 children. (your cleaning regime is making me feel like my house must be filthy, which it certainly isn't lol) x
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active!

    I am still new to the whole TDEE thing. I will have to do those calculations tonight.
    Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?

    Do you mean spreading out food? I try to do this, but honestly the only time I have to go to the gym is when I wake up most days, or after class. My work schedule really screws me up with that. I typically have a problem eating in the morning, so most days it's a protein bar... but I am specifically trying to eat larger and better in the mornings. I actually ate eggs, toast, pb, and a banana this morning which was a HUGE thing to me... haven't done that in YEARS, because of not being hungry! The rest I do spread out. I eat every 2 hours, give or take. sometimes maybe 3/4 hours gets in there.. just depends on my day and when I have the time for it.

    I just looked at your diary and IMHO I think you shouldn't log your cleaning as it is done on a daily basis, so is the "norm" for you! Or maybe still log it BUT don't eat them back as it should already be factored in your daily activity/calorie allowance anyway! I don't log my cleaning/cooking or anything that I do on a normal day I only log actual exercise (cardio, weights etc...) I also don't log stretching. If you took out the cleaning cals and stretching cals burnt then you are looking at a more feasible amount of cals to eat back IF you do eat them back!

    I hope this makes sense?!?!? I have kind of rambled, was also wondering why you clean so much every day? I clean every day normally takes 10 mins and then a big clean on a Sunday which can take up to 2 hours, and that is for a 3 bedroom house with 2 children. (your cleaning regime is making me feel like my house must be filthy, which it certainly isn't lol) x

    I work graveyards, and a part of my "graveyard duties" are cleaning duties. So sadly, this isn't my own house. When I clean at home, i typically don't log them.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    How the hell do you have six hours spare to exercise? (and that's cardio only)

    Honestly exercising that much is not healthy. Professional athletes don't exercise that much. Because their bodies are their income and they treat them with care. I don't know how long you've been doing this but when you crash it will be hard. You're also going to have a horrific time maintaining weight when you stop exercising like that.

    If you NEED to exercise six hours a day to relieve stress then I suggest seeing a psychologist. That's ED territory right there.

    Unless you are training for a marathon or something, so much cardio is unhealthy especially if you are not taking in the fuel.
    Your blog post says you want to build muscle not lose weight, such excessive amounts of cardio will cancel out any gains you have made with your strength training, and you will probably burn muscle with so muuch cardio and not enough calories.

    Re getting in extra calories, nuts, nut butters, cheese, olive oil, full fat dairy etc will easily bump up the cals without having to eat much more.
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active!

    I am still new to the whole TDEE thing. I will have to do those calculations tonight.
    Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?

    Do you mean spreading out food? I try to do this, but honestly the only time I have to go to the gym is when I wake up most days, or after class. My work schedule really screws me up with that. I typically have a problem eating in the morning, so most days it's a protein bar... but I am specifically trying to eat larger and better in the mornings. I actually ate eggs, toast, pb, and a banana this morning which was a HUGE thing to me... haven't done that in YEARS, because of not being hungry! The rest I do spread out. I eat every 2 hours, give or take. sometimes maybe 3/4 hours gets in there.. just depends on my day and when I have the time for it.

    I just looked at your diary and IMHO I think you shouldn't log your cleaning as it is done on a daily basis, so is the "norm" for you! Or maybe still log it BUT don't eat them back as it should already be factored in your daily activity/calorie allowance anyway! I don't log my cleaning/cooking or anything that I do on a normal day I only log actual exercise (cardio, weights etc...) I also don't log stretching. If you took out the cleaning cals and stretching cals burnt then you are looking at a more feasible amount of cals to eat back IF you do eat them back!

    I hope this makes sense?!?!? I have kind of rambled, was also wondering why you clean so much every day? I clean every day normally takes 10 mins and then a big clean on a Sunday which can take up to 2 hours, and that is for a 3 bedroom house with 2 children. (your cleaning regime is making me feel like my house must be filthy, which it certainly isn't lol) x

    I work graveyards, and a part of my "graveyard duties" are cleaning duties. So sadly, this isn't my own house. When I clean at home, i typically don't log them.

    When you have found out your TDEE make sure you put your self down as heavy activity! As your daily activity is heavy! x
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Why don't you get your TDEE and minus 20% from it? You would definitely be counted as active!

    I am still new to the whole TDEE thing. I will have to do those calculations tonight.
    Instead of burning your caps and then eating the back, why don't you spread them out over the entire day?

    Do you mean spreading out food? I try to do this, but honestly the only time I have to go to the gym is when I wake up most days, or after class. My work schedule really screws me up with that. I typically have a problem eating in the morning, so most days it's a protein bar... but I am specifically trying to eat larger and better in the mornings. I actually ate eggs, toast, pb, and a banana this morning which was a HUGE thing to me... haven't done that in YEARS, because of not being hungry! The rest I do spread out. I eat every 2 hours, give or take. sometimes maybe 3/4 hours gets in there.. just depends on my day and when I have the time for it.

    I just looked at your diary and IMHO I think you shouldn't log your cleaning as it is done on a daily basis, so is the "norm" for you! Or maybe still log it BUT don't eat them back as it should already be factored in your daily activity/calorie allowance anyway! I don't log my cleaning/cooking or anything that I do on a normal day I only log actual exercise (cardio, weights etc...) I also don't log stretching. If you took out the cleaning cals and stretching cals burnt then you are looking at a more feasible amount of cals to eat back IF you do eat them back!

    I hope this makes sense?!?!? I have kind of rambled, was also wondering why you clean so much every day? I clean every day normally takes 10 mins and then a big clean on a Sunday which can take up to 2 hours, and that is for a 3 bedroom house with 2 children. (your cleaning regime is making me feel like my house must be filthy, which it certainly isn't lol) x

    I work graveyards, and a part of my "graveyard duties" are cleaning duties. So sadly, this isn't my own house. When I clean at home, i typically don't log them.

    If you are doing this much activity you are definitely not sedentary.

    Sedentary is someone who sits at a desk all day, and sits on the couch all night.
  • alanindahlonega
    alanindahlonega Posts: 17 Member
    check your profile settings. your cals seem to be off...for example, I saw that you did 60 mins walking, 3.5 mph, uphill for 586......I entered the same info for myself and got 586, I am 50 YO male that weighs 200 lbs. I entered the same exercise for a 135 female and got around 353.... I think you are overestimating cals burned.
  • Ti_Kao_Loi
    Ti_Kao_Loi Posts: 4
    Whilst I'd agree with some of the other posters on here that your estimated calorie burn may be a little too high, there is certainly nothing wrong with the fact you work out so much. What's tolerable for one individual differs hugely from person to person, and as long as your energy levels are not affected and you are eating healthy then there is no real cause for concern...

    ...To bring it back to the original question over healthy foods you can add to your diet to increase calories consumed and help "eat-back" some of the calories you've burned through exercise my suggestions would be the following:

    i. Eat a variety of nuts which are packed with essential fats (mono-unsaturates and polyunsaturates) and also high in protein
    ii. Bananas which are great immediately after workouts and provide a healthy amount of B6, fibre and carbohydrates
    iii. AVOCADO's!!! 320kCal per Avocado - these are calorie rich and are jammed with essential vitamins (as well as the added bonus of helping you keep a healthy heart, fight off osteoporosis, etc)
    iv. Peanut Butter if you can stomach it

    These are my go-to foods for high calorie boosts to a healthy diet. :)
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Whilst I agree with other that have posted that your cals are a little high for the exercises you have logged (stretching burning 70 cals for example) I would say that you can simplify things considerably by "doing what works".

    If, under your current exercise and eating regime, you are seeing a steady and sensible (not more than 2lb per week) loss, then carry on. If you are failing to meet your goals, then tweak things.

    If you do feel you need to tweak things then how you go about that would depend upon what your final goals are (are you doing this to look great, to be fit, for a sporting event or a blend of many reasons) and what you think the problem is: too many/too few cals in, too many or too few cals out etc.

    Best wishes.