

  • Great job. Now go out and buy some smaller clothes :smile:
  • You should give the Yoga X a try. It's awesome!
  • I find that often times right before a workout I'm dreading the fact that I have to workout. However, right after the workout I feel a great sense of accomplishment and am very happy that I just worked out. It's weird how different the pre and post workout moods can be. If you have the same feelings then I suggest you do…
  • P90X is the real deal. I'm currently on my second round and have dropped 30 lbs, built muscle, and at 40 I'm in the best shape of my life. Prior to doing P90X I would run and swim daily but my body had reached the "plateau effect" and I was just maintaining my weight of 220 lbs. P90X helped me overcome the "plateau…
    in P90X Comment by jcreyes May 2009
  • I like to keep a few cardio workout dvds around the house so when life gets hectic and I can't make it to the gym I can always get a quick convenient workout at home. I'm always less likely to eat bad if I have worked out or know that I'm going to workout later that day. Also, don't let a bump in the road knock you…
    in Grrr... Comment by jcreyes May 2009
  • I also follow the protion plan but am currently on the Phase II, Level III plan which puts me at 3000 calories a day. I use this site to plan my daily meals before hand so I basically enter all the protions I need to consume, divided into their appropriate meals (breakfast,lunch, etc.). I then look at the totals at the…