

  • Your daily weight should not affect your mood to that extent. Especially if you are fluctuating a few pounds - this is totally normal and can be a number of things to add or subtract a lb any given day. If you can't break this cycle on your own and get to feeling better about yourself, you need to see a specialist before…
  • How you feel is more important than the number on the scale. It sounds like you know this but have gotten into a toxic mind loop of having to control every bit of food/weight. I would throw away your scale. Seriously. Get rid of it and don't weigh yourself. Take measurements a few times a month, track food the best you…
  • Another thing that helps me through a craving -- I remind myself that just because I am not eating it NOW does not mean that I will never eat it again. There will be hundreds of opportunities to have cake for instance - birthdays, celebrations, etc. and today is not some special occasion. I am more addicted to salty foods…
  • I definitely have a sweet tooth also. I guess it takes will power but we do not keep any sweets in the house and allow ourselves 1 per week. It helps to have a husband who is way more diligent than I am. Usually this is a frappe at mcdonalds or a slice of cake from publix. It's the only system that works for us because…
  • I have heard from a Pilates instructor that pregnancy creates a gap between your abs and doing crunches and other work before your abs have fully healed (which is different for everyone) after birth can really damage your abs and make the gap look so much worse. It gives you what they call "mommy tummy". Planks are great…
  • You may look into options outside of the gym. We are a bit more lucky than most because we intentionally bought our house because it backs up to a huge park/recreation facility. So we have a walking track, bike trails, and an indoor pool to use practically in our backyard. But there are other things you can do at home - we…