bcollins500 Member


  • In my house we prefer to boil them in a Big Black Enamel Pot on our Grill. It will fit 6 to 8 depending on size. My wife and I do not use butter anymore. Just pick and eat. Right now soft shell lobsters are very cheap, less than $ 4,00 per pound. Less meat but more sweet we find. We like to 1.5 pounders and when cooked…
  • My wife and I griill our vegetables all the time on the grill. Especially aspargus, bell peppers, onions, potatoes and spaghetti squash. We also like to grill chicken, shrimp and turkey too. Yes, lean meat too. :smile:
  • I agree with much that has been said here by many others. Exercise, room/area restrictions, dedicated attenion and training are necessary. Knowing the traits for the breed is extremely important. You are in charge by being firm, use and tone of voice, body/eye language i.e., let the dog know their role and position in the…
  • We live in the Central Maine area and we have a tick problem for years. I have a large fenced in yard and in spite of that our cat and dogs have had ticks on them. My daughter after a small hike at the end of May also found a tick on herself. You really have to pay attention if you live in or near the woods as we do.
  • I live near Bangor and have a summer property for rent in the summertime on Philips Lake in Dedham, ME. It is about 45 minutes from Acadia National Park and many other attractions. There is also the oudorr summer concert series in Bangor too with many national acts that come to town. Bangor also offers Hollywood Casino and…
  • Love Baseball & Love the Red Sox! It will be great to see the Sox and Cubs this weekend too!
  • You are not wrong. Train the dog now. My sister has a puppy too and she lets him jump all over you when you enter her house. It is annoying. Correct the behaviour now and everyone will benefit later. Including the dog.:smile:
  • 1. Dr. Pepper and Sprite. 2. Reece Peanut Butter Cups 3. Any candy in general