

  • 1. I'm a Sagittarius, but I act and think like a Scorpio. I tell people my birthday is in November, and they say "I KNEW you were a Scorpio!" Lol. 2. I could happily eat PB&J for lunch every day for the rest of my life, and pizza for dinner. 3. I refuse to drive a car that isn't a stick shift. 4. I smell really good. Or so…
  • Lol...well my husband isn't overweight...and he works really long and hard hours for his work, PLUS he works out with me, so the poor guy is always starving. I'd never have him cut back, because he doesn't have a problem, and he's a really healthy eater. But thank you!!! I will definitely be messaging you :)
  • Hey, thanks for responding to my post! Anyway, here's some suggestions that I have: Sometimes, frozen veggies can go on sale for $1.00-$1.50 a bag, and it ends up being much cheaper than canned veggies since there's more product in the bag than in the can. When they do go on sale like that, I stock up BIG TIME, because…
  • Thank you, but I'm a vegetarian. And I don't have any money right now, and don't have any of the items you have listed :(
  • Haha, about that credit card's maxed until Friday. We seriously cannot afford an overdraft! :(
  • Sorry you guys, it's bi-weekly, and I'm also a vegetarian, lol. I'm very frugal, it's just that my hubby's got a huuuuge appetite, and I can't deprive him! Plus all of our money is gone within 3 days of being paid because of bills and such, so once we run out of stuff, we're out!
  • I'm 5 foot 7 and my goal weight is 150 or less. I'm not so much concerned about the number, but about maintaining my healthy lifestyle. I think 150 iis realistic and very attainable, and at our height, 150 won't leave us looking like a twig. I definitely don't want to be too thin, and I think that losing 60 pounds or so to…