10 Things You Didnt Know About Me

kym_lewis08 Posts: 393
edited September 19 in Chit-Chat
I know some of you are just DYING..I mean absolutely DYING to know some things about me.

Plus, its 2 AM and I cant sleep so here we goooo.

1- I'm addicted to Reese Cups.

2-I just figured out what "sexting" was.

3-My girlfriend and I want to have twins. (I love twins)

4-I'm thinking of a number between 1-100.

5-:laugh: This smiley makes me think about chomping down on food!!

6-I can't make up my mind about my major in college. Chemistry..or Nursing..Chemistry..or Nursing.

7-I pigged out over the weekend. :embarassed:

8-The number I was thinking of was 21.

9-My birthday is in August. Lucky Leo.

10. I'm trying to lose weight to join the Navy. :happy:


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I feel like I know you so well now.

    10 things YOU didn't know about ME:

    1. I can't sleep
    2. I could happily eat nothing but pineapple pizza and chocolate for a month
    3. My favorite color is blue, yet you will find it nowhere in my house
    4. I don't like art on the walls- only mirrors
    5. I'm jealous of anyone with thick hair
    6. I was a "freak" in high school...or so everyone thought
    7. I like green tea
    8. I rarely drink coffee, but when I do, I don't put sugar in it
    9. My car died, so I sold it. Now I am car'less.
    10. I love wearing white in the winter.
  • kym_lewis08
    kym_lewis08 Posts: 393
    I also cant sleep..
    I LOVE Chocolate Pizza..
    My favorite color is green..
    I have home-made art on my walls..
    I have thick hair and would gladly trade it..
    I was a "band geek" in highschool, until I came out (?) Not sure why..
    I adore green tea...diet with citrus..
    Hate coffee..
    My car likes to rev up when you're not touching the gas, so needless to say..it sits in the yard..
    Winter is my favorite season :)

    I feel like we're sisters LOL :laugh:
  • kmworth
    kmworth Posts: 8
    1. I'm a Sagittarius, but I act and think like a Scorpio. I tell people my birthday is in November, and they say "I KNEW you were a Scorpio!" Lol.

    2. I could happily eat PB&J for lunch every day for the rest of my life, and pizza for dinner.

    3. I refuse to drive a car that isn't a stick shift.

    4. I smell really good. Or so I hear....

    5. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be my crooked teeth.

    6. I go through Diet Coke withdrawls.

    7. I sleep with stuffed animals.

    8. I'm a Myspace addict. And I hate it.

    9. I love minty things.

    10. I'm addicted to E! (The channel, hahahaha)
  • 1. I know the general feelings that people are thinking/feeling and I often hear my husbands thoughts before he says them
    2. I hate spending money on groceries but I love to cook.
    3. I have been affraid of semi trucks my entire life and I married a truck driver
    4. Sometimes I hate being a nurse and going to work to take care of people after taking care of my son all day
    5. I miss the friendship that I once had with my neice
    6. I'm not as OCD as everyone thinks
    7. I don't much care for sweets but could not live without salt
    8. Two of the reasons I want to loose weight: 1)teach my son to swim 2)learn to dance
    9. I have had to learn how to play like a two-year old.
    10. I have not been this committed to quitting smoking and loosing weight in over 15 years
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    1. I'm very competitive
    2. I could eat just cereal for the rest of my life
    3. I love ICE
    4. I only knew my husband 9 months before marrying him and we have been happily married for 7 years
    5. I hate to fold laundry
    6. Farmtown is my new love. :laugh:
    7. I'm shy in person until you get to know me then you can't shut me up.
    8. Doesn't take me much to cry
    9. I'm a BIG animal person
    10. I was a looser in school
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    10 Things You Didn't Know About Me

    1. I am a Leo also (July 24)

    2. I am a computer nerd

    3. Even though I work a corporate type job, I love tattoos and body piercings

    4. If my husband would not throw a fit, I would shave my head except for my bangs

    5. My favorite color is green and I had to laugh because it is no where in my house either (except for a very small bit in my kitchen curtains, everything else is decorated in brown and gold)

    6. I love to exercise, I merely don't have enough time in my day sometimes to fit it in

    7. I get up at 3 am every week day morning to cook my husband breakfast and pack his lunch (that way I know he is eating pretty healthy)

    8. My 11th wedding anniversary is the day after my birthday (July 25th)

    9. My moms sister is my favorite person in the whole wide world.

    10. I love roosters (my kitchen theme)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    10 things you didnt know about me

    1. My middle name is Sarah

    2. I officially cannot go to the cinema without getting Pick n Mix

    3. Im 1/4 Jewish

    4. I love Ben and Jerrys Phish Food

    5. I have never been in love

    6. But i've had my heart broken twice

    7. Im addicted to MFP

    8. I hate the fact i was born nearly a month after christmas

    9. I wish i had a sister

    10. I have never been to America

    :heart: Katherine
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    1.i cant go a day without eating 2 crunchie freddos

    2.i am always trying on my skinny jeans waiting for the day

    3.i used to think being a mum was easier than going to work now i'm a mum and i know the truth

    4.i dont answer the door when people are selling stuff

    5.i cant kill spiders

    6.even if i dont have much money i still have to go for free range chicken

    7.if i could only have 1 take away shop forever it would be the bakery

    8.our dogs names are red and blue

    9.i love horror movies

    10.i burnt the muffins
  • rubberjonnie
    rubberjonnie Posts: 4,171
    1. I am a true Gemini
    2. I played Rugby for Ulster under 21's
    3. I can bark like a Jack Russell and make a noise like a dripping tap
    4. I am adopted
    5. I can suck my own toes
    6. I got a tatoo at 16 and my parents still don't know
    7. i once kissed Samantha Janus
    8. I know half a dozen sware words in 6 languages
    9. I sing in two bands
    10. I am Irish
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Ten things you didn't know about me:

    1. I pole danced for tips for two years at age 39, and blew them away.

    2. I hate my co-worker because she's a bi-polar preachers kid (no offence intended).

    3. I have perfect attendance at work.

    4. I gave up a daughter for adoption 26 years ago, and she found me last year.

    5. I'm a grandmother 2x already - thanks to that daughter.

    6. Both my kids graduated in a city that only graduates 48%.

    7. My neice is in the Navy and actually MET former Somalian hostage Captain Philips.

    8. My brother Gene died in November of 2007 from alcoholic cihrrosis.

    9. I am the skinniest woman in my office!

    10. I have no problem letting a phone ring if I don't feel like getting up to answer it.
  • LPNlauren
    LPNlauren Posts: 27
    1. I'm a nurse at a nursing home and it actually is a happy job and not sad...
    2. Low carb / High protein is how I have lost my weight so far
    3. My favorite day of the year is March 23 and yes because it is my b-day, but I really do love the way it rolls off your tongue when you say it!
    4. I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT EAT SOGGY BREAD...not that I eat much bread anymore anyways but it use to be a problem.
    5. I drive a Jetta and it is a lifestyle not just a car! It changes your whole mind frame
    6. I'm 22 and have dated my boyfriend for 8 years this coming August, we have never broken up or cheated on each other
    7.I use to binge eat if I was mad at someone because it use to make me feel like I was getting back at them when really it was only hurting me
    8. My favorite color is pink and it is NOWHERE in my house either
    9. I'm going back to school for my RN and I am praying I can keep my stress eating under control
    10. The whole reason I finally snapped and started loosing weight is because a girl I could run over with a bus and not feel the least bit remorseful about lost weight and I couldn't let her look better than I did...horrible I know, but the self confidence and control over my life I gained back was worth the bad reason I started for!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    1. I'm a clean freak.
    2. I'm a grandma to 3 and only 38.
    3. I love a man in uniform and married a cop.
    4. I cry anytime I see someone else cry.
    5. I'm slowly working on my masters in Corrective reading.
    6. I love to watch food network; cooking shows and Top Chef.
    7. I love to travel.
    8. I too can hear a phone ring and not answer it!
    9. I love photography.
    10. I hate snakes.
  • pinksultana
    pinksultana Posts: 162 Member
    1. I got married when I was 21
    2. I cry at just about anything when im tired including many tv ads....
    3. I am utterly and totally addicted to coffee...non of the instant stuff though...
    4. I have fallen down the stairs 3 times in the last year, fracturing my ankle and 3 ribs, and spraining my elbow and neck in the process
    5. I am austraian but living in the uk at the moment
    6. I love green and find it really hard to not buy anything I see if its green
    7. I screen all of my telephone calls even if I know who the person is calling
    8. because I HATE talking on the phone
    9. I make jewellery and 13 of my friends have gotten me to make jewellery for them to wear on their wedding day
    10. I love to put my pjs on the instant i come home from work, and if I was allowed would wear my pjs t work

  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    What fun!
    1. I have three rescue dogs and will never purchase from a breeder.
    2. I had my daughter when I was 18.
    3. I've been a vegetarian my entire life.
    4. I am a huge Manchester United fan.
    5. I adore toads and frogs to the point of stopping my car and getting out to move them to safety.
    6. I'm a conservitive Republican.
    7. My favorite movie is Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
    8. My downfall from clean eating is always in the form of cheetos or doritos.
    9. My home library has over 500 books (I am having to double stack them now-we have wall to wall shelves in the master bedroom and in the livingroom).
    10. I love bats! We have 2 bat houses on our property...and almost no mosquitoes.
  • katealim
    katealim Posts: 45
    1. I will be going to see Harry Potter in the theater....without the kids.
    2. I am a stay at home mom but do have a nursing degree.
    3. My daughter has Cerebral Palsy.
    4. My DH is a better cook than I am.
    5. I don't drink coffee at all.
    6. I am a smoker even though I know better.
    7. I live on a lake but haven't walked around it for over a month.
    8. I have a couple tatoos.
    9. I have tried a deep fried jelly bean.
    10. I am one of those people that can't just stay still when bees are around, (eventhough my grandfather is a beekeeper and I grew up going out to the hives to collect for honey).
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    sounds like fun.
    1. my favorite color is blue and i always try to wear it as it suits my eyes
    2. i at some point in my life want to own a golden labrador.
    3. nobody believes me when i tell them i am gay
    4. christmas is my favourite time of year but i hate the short days
    5. a big achievement for me would be to hear a song of mine on the radio (wishin!)
    6. my cat is a monster dressed as a cat but i still love her.
    7. greasy foods are still atracted to me
    8. i can't think of one good reason why i drink or smoke but i still do every weekend
    9. i love those weird shops you find on holiday that sell everything you don;t need but suddenly want
    10. i cry at cancer adverts especially when then play fields of gold by eva cassidy
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    1. I listen to talk radio religiously. In the car, at the office... I even have the 9/11 edition of Paul Harvey's talk and a couple of Phil Hendrie's episodes on my mp3 player.
    2. I majored in Journalism and work as a Public Information Specialist for my county.
    3. I minored in Criminal Justice and am borderline obsessed with homicide investigation, the motivation of sexual predators and the motivation of serial killers
    4. I have my tongue pierced (2nd time), my tragus pierced and my ears pierced twice. I have had a monroe twice and my labret once. My next piercing will be a dermal anchor (or 2) in my sternum.
    5. I've always wanted to dye my hair dark, dark, dark blue.
    6. I own two cars - a 2001 Malibu and a 1994 Cavalier Z24. My Z24 sits at my mom's house because I can't bring myself to sell it... LOVE that car...
    7. I am DEBT FREE!!!! Thanks to my mom and Dave Ramsey.
    8. I love my job. :heart: I feel blessed everyday to have it.
    9. I hate the veins in my feet and when I was little I complained about them so much that my mom (jokingly) told me that I could have them removed....... and I believed her.
    10. I have been with my boyfriend for 2.5 years and we have lived together for 1.5 years...... unfortunately, his mom and grandma moved in with us and won't leave!! (It's driving me insane.)
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    1. I'm wanted in 5 states
    2. I just crapped my pants
    3. I laughed when Bambi's mom was shot.
    4. I laughed when I saw Brian's Song
    5. I think Darth Vadar is a-ok.
    6. I don't think women should be allowed to vote.
    7. Or drive.
    8. I think socialism sucks, there for O sucks.
    9. I dont think George Bailey had a wonderful life.
    10. I think the internet is overrated.

  • kym_lewis08
    kym_lewis08 Posts: 393

    3. nobody believes me when i tell them i am gay

    nobody believed me either!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    1. I am a true Taurus.
    2. My favorite color is Yellow, and like the others above, you will not find it in my house anywhere, lol.
    3. I have been smoke free for a year and a half :bigsmile:
    4. I am fluent in french and speak a bit of German and Spanish.
    5. I have a nose ring, and 7 ear rings.
    6. I have one tattoo.
    7. The biggest weakness is Ice Cream!!
    8. I cry very easily, even at some t.v. commercials, lol.
    9. I have recently had my heart broken.
    10. I love to travel.
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