

  • AMAZING! You look awesome! Congrats. very inspirational!!! Thank you for sharing!
  • Nice! Thanks for sharing!!! :)
  • Cardio is great for stomach and abs. I'm a big girl, and I carry my weight in my stomach. I work out on the treadmill and bike 3-4 times a week and wear a stomach wrap to help me sweat more in my stomach, sides and back. you can get one at walmart for like $7. I have only lost 11 lbs so far, but can see an amazing…
    in Abs Comment by ginawood1 June 2012
  • wow you look amazing! congrats!! this is very motivational! Thank you for sharing!!!
  • 1. Soda 2. excess bread 3. fast food
  • Wow. That is awesome. I didn't read all the other comments people posted, so sorry if this is redundant. But that is amazing. You look so much younger and happier in the 'after' pic. Great work!!! Very motivational! Thank you for sharing!
  • I'm 5'4" and my goal is between 140-150. I hit my highest weight ever of 200 pounds, and I'm already (within 3 weeks) down to 191. I am following the calories on here, and working out (walking and biking) 4-5 times a week. When I exercise, I have a stomach wrap that I bought from walmart for around $7. It works wonders! It…