alexsis88 Member


  • U are absolutely amazing! Great work! My best piece of advice would be to hide that scale! Pick up a few weights and learn a few good strength training moves using your body. U look amazing already! My goal weight is 135 and I'm only 5'3. But I'm not focused on that number because I'm loving how toned my body is and how…
  • HW: 160 for 4 years, highest being pregnant at 175 at 9 months LW: 105 in high school and most recently 134 back in May but found out pregnant with number 4 Current weight: 152-currently 6 months pregnant GW: as soon as baby gets here i am hitting the streets and lots of strength training. would like to be 120lb for my…
  • MariFitBody-So i freaking love you!! lol your before body looks just like mine!!! thank you for the inspiration! you look fabulous!!!
  • im currently on my 4th pregnancy ....and the overhang is so annoying!! i definitely agree on genetics for the stretch marks because my first child did me in with those and then had a little more loose skin with each pregnancy. I went from being mildly overweight to a healthy weight recently the past year or so and even at…
  • Thanks for your input! im really considering yoga cuz the less i work out the more pains i feel lol
  • I'm 5'3". Highest weight was 160. Got down to 133. Currently at 142. My goal is 120-125. Pics in my profile
  • Looking fabulous!!! Congrats!
  • This gives me hope for everytime I wanna dwell when I don't see the scale go down. Gives me a new outlook
  • a tdee calculator site told me that my 5'3" 142lb frame needs 1910 cals a day on little to no exercise to maintain! But working out 5 days a week I need almost 2300 to maintain. Good luck to you. Worth a shot!
  • Thank you for this success story. Just when I was feeling discouraged u put a smile to my face and helped me believe this is possible again. :) u look awesome!
  • I love seeing all these pics. Motivates me to wanna do it!
  • Sweet! Great info guys! I'm gonna look into that link and search YouTube. I want the best that's going to help me achieve the best workout.
  • I say UP those calories!! Up to about 1400-1600 and increase cardio. Be smart about it don't make it junk and u will see minor weight gain. Why? Because the weight u have lost so far is muscle and water weight. When u eat less than what your body needs it stores as many fat cells as possible for starvation mode then your…
  • Newly became a stay at home mom for the summer and I'm willing to cook more but when I worked full time it was SO much easier to grab McDonalds or fast food. I'm trying to avoid it now but my husband is fast food junkie! Lol
  • Thanks!! U guys are awesome! I feel like I eat the same old thing every other night. Or I give in to crap food! So its nice to have combination! Honestly I feel lost when it comes time to throw meals together lol I eventually try something but it takes a while to "click" in my head
  • I don't struggle with it now because I have confidence in my body and myself. But from ages 14-16 I was anorexic. Struggled with it I was 5'4" at the time got down to 98lb. I remember jogging twice a day and would beat myself up over eating a handful of crackers. My parents had marital problems a lot then and i was kinda…
  • Sweet! I will check out out thanks :)
  • Get it giiirrrrlllll!!! Lol keep up the strong willpower! :)
  • Is there an Aldi grocery store nearby? They are super cheap on groceries and I know they are nationwide!
  • U are amazing! Keep going strong!
  • I think some people cheat because they feel disrespected and unnappreciated and aren't getting the attention they deserve from their spouse. And no matter how many times they talk to eachother about their feelings someone still isn't happy and the other one isn't doing anything about it to a relationship…
  • You look so amazing! There is definitely an energetic vine in your pic! Did u do exercise at home or in a gym? And did u have a strict diet?
  • You are very inspirational! I might have to share your story on my fb wall :)
  • Well I would add a couple hundred more calories since u are doing more exercise. Your body will need and want the extra energy. And u won't be as tired. If you are not sure just try it for a week or so and see how you feel. And it will do wonders to your metabolism :)
  • Hey I think your arms look better! I do A LOT of heavy lifting at work and in the 2 years I've worked my strength has increased greatly and I can lift 60lbs no problem. And my arms are smaller than when I first started my job. Just stick with it your muscles take a lot to heal I have learned. Try upping your water and…
  • Then your metabolism slows waaaayyyy down which is why a majority of people only need 1200 calories a day to survive because their metabolism is so slow.
  • I was told by a doctor and.have read in health books that your body is storing fat cells when you hit starvation mode and then your muscles start withering away. Its like you do lose weight but its water and muscle then you will be.flabby skinny.
  • Its a pretty simple concept. You ea at least your BMR to survive and less than your TDEE to lose weight. And if u eat less than what your body needs to survive you might lose weight but after. fee weeks u will feel hungry and your body will go into starvation mode and store fat. Every person I know that did the hcg diet…
  • I am 5'3" and I am 145lb I was told I am safe to get as low as 120 but anything lower than that will be losing lean muscle and not fat. I would like to be 130lb. My highest weight is 161 and 156 when I started MFP