leannabseven Member


  • I'm sorry to hear about your separation; I didn't know. And no matter the reason, those are painful. And it's good that you have another focus...improving your quality of life and kicking butt at work. :)
  • This sounds really good...I may have to try it.
  • I got up and went to the gym today, and it was strange...I didn't even think about it. I just got dressed and went. The Mister said, "Oh...off to the gym early?" And I said, "It appears I am...I've put my shoes on!". The best part was that it was over for the day. But then we went shopping, which turned into a nearly 2…
  • Mark, this actually sounds like fun! I've been curious about Pilates, so I may have to give it a try.
  • Welcome back, Cindy. I look forward to getting to know you and cheering for your successes. :) Name: LeAnna My Numbers: SW: 278 CW: 212 GW: 207 LTGW: 150 I weigh on Wednesdays, plus adding a final Tuesday weigh-in on the 30th. 9/3/2014 212 -0- Nada...zip...big ol goose egg of a number. Next week, I'll do better...I just…
  • Awesomeness!! Congratulations!
  • Maelyn, I get so frustrated when people try to suggest diets to me. I'm losing weight...my program is working for me just fine....and it's called The Common Sense Diet. I am eating now the way I intend to eat for the rest of my life. I don't want to lose all the weight and then have to face learning another new way of…
  • We need a big ol' thumbs up button! Good job, Tara. I cannot wait for the day I can post my 100 pound milestone. :)
  • Something I've just discovered was using my husband's protein powder in my breakfast cereal. I wanted to add protein without the fat or many calories. I only use 14 grams...about 1/3 a serving, so the calories are less than 60, and it has a lot of nutrients. Sprinkle it into my oatmeal and it adds flavor, plus I don't need…
  • Great idea! I'm off to make a new buddy. And if anyone wants to add me to their friends list, please do. :)
  • Welcome back, Cindy. I look forward to getting to know you and cheering for your successes. :) Name: LeAnna My Numbers: SW: 278 CW: 212 GW: 207 LTGW: 150 I weigh on Wednesdays, plus adding a final Tuesday weigh-in on the 30th. 9/3/2014 9/10/2014 9/17/2014 9/24/2014 9/30/2014
  • Of all the times for me to fall off the water wagon! I've discovered Gold Peak diet tea. Good stuff, but it is NOT a replacement for water.
  • Tara, don't you have a milestone you'd like to share?? :)
  • Maelyn, good for you! I cannot imagine the battles you've fought and continue to face, but you do so with strength and purpose and a beautiful spirit. I'm cheering for you!
  • Congratulations you wonderful group of people. It was overall a good month. If, like me, you didn't have a stellar month, hopefully, you had a learning experience and are feeling motivated to do more and expect better for, and from, yourself. If you are like Maelyn and Tara, who had amazing accomplishments this month, good…
  • Congratulations!! What an amazing accomplishment! I can't wait until I can make that announcement. :)
  • Name: LeAnna My Numbers: SW: 264 (278 was my original starting weight) CW: 213.5 GW: 208 LTGW: 150 I weigh on Wednesdays. 8/6 - 215. (+1.5). If you saw my Frustrations post, you'd know I could have gained much more. I have been struggling and whiny way too long! I think I'm getting a grip again... 8/13 - 213.5 Oh hey!! I…
  • Today I made it to the gym again. I made myself stick with the treadmill for the entire hour, and changed up the speed and incline. I was so into it by the end of the hour that I rode the bike for 30 minutes before heading home. Other than that, it was hotter than Hades here today, so I probably melted as much fat as I…
  • I made it to the gym today...yay! Mark is feeling well enough that I feel okay leaving him alone. I did an hour in the gym and later, I walked to the store to do a little grocery shopping. It's been so long since I've walked to the store; it felt great!
  • Yay! Challenges!! I'm having another glass just to get myself up to 8 glasses for today. :)
  • Yesterday Mark was doing so well, but today is an entirely different story. He can't keep any food or water down, and is so sore. We finally called the doctor, who assured us he won't be dehydrated this soon, so he can't have any more to eat or drink...not that he's had any food to speak of yet. He's been so sick today, he…
  • Pidge, it's good to see you. Glad you finally got the move finished, but sucks about the weight gain. You'll get back on track in no time...hang in there!
  • Holly, I neglected to say hello to you, I'm sorry. Hello!! Welcome to the group!
  • Hi, Gisella. I guessed your name, but I'm feeling lucky! :) Welcome to the group! LeAnna
  • It's nice to meet you and welcome to the group. It sounds like you are really motivated to addressing your issues in a proactive manner, and good for you! This is a good group. Right now it's going through a quieter phase, perhaps with the end of a season and the start of a school year? I do hope it picks back up because…
  • I'm feeling that same way. Time to get serious! We packed up all our rides, so I'll also be hoofing it to the store for the next few weeks. And I'll stick close to home today, but I'll be hitting the gym hard for the next few weeks that we're here.
  • Maelyn, thank you. Marks surgery went well and we're back home again. He's slept almost continually since yesterday morning. I think he's just so relieved it's over; I know he had to be more afraid than he let on.
  • My daily burn today was awfully intense, but it went on and on... We spent the day moving yet again. This time were staying put!! We washed our ATV and both scooters before loading them into the cargo trailer. I hauled several 20# buckets of " rough" to the trailer as well. Rough is what you call rocks that have not yet…
  • Update on some earlier frustration posts...the RV is fixed, the cargo trailer is fixed, the ATV is fixed!! Tomorrow we'll start loading all the rest of our toys into the cargo trailer. Then, we can start moving back into the RV. Mark has hernia surgery on Monday; it's planned for out-patient. He will take a month to rest…
  • Good for you! Getting new workout gear always makes me want to work harder. :) I'd like to try the couch to 5k jogging, but I'm not sure my knees would allow it. When I'm lighter though.... ;)