

  • Hey! KathyMarie sent me an invitation, but apparently you don't see those on mobile and I don't get online very often. Would love to join, too!! I'll read over the details today! Thanks!
  • I am most definitely the same pace as you. I still have 100 pounds to lose, so my lungs and heart are having a hard time on the running segments. It's more like a really, really slow jog. However, I'd like to encourage you by saying that I walked a 5K last year, walked the whole thing, and came in at 52 minutes. So, I…
    in TOO SLOW? Comment by sgnmom August 2012
  • I've just started C25K for the second time. Didn't make it all the way first time, but I will this time. One suggestion, if you want to do the actual program and listen to your own music, has a c25k app for iphone (and probably others) that if I paid anything for it, it wasn't much, and you can use your own…