

  • Have you been tested for anemia? Low iron makes me tired constantly, not matter how long or often I sleep. Also I have noticed that if I eat too many carbs I tend to be dragging along. If you are not deficient in iron, are you deficient in anything else? A simple blood test might help you out.
  • Losing weight is one of the most frustrating things in life. But you have to ask, how long did it take me to get to my current weight. If it took months or years, it might take you just as long or a bit longer to lose it. Also, some days you will lose more than other days, its inevitable and everyone hits a mild bump now…
  • Aside from cutting back on the un-necessary sugars like the ones found in cookies, yes there are a lot of sugars in fruits. Albeit, the sugars found in fruits are better for you and are more easily digestible. This being said, instead of a full banana, eat half. The fruits I have had to cut back on severely (I have had the…
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