Why am I always so tired? :(

Not really sure if this is the right place to post this but..,

For the last few years I've been feeling tired all the time. If I go out shopping I'll always want a nap when I get back in, and staying up past 12 is out of the question. I also oversleep sometimes which makes things worse. It's frustrating, my boyfriend teases me about it saying I spend half my life in bed, which is probably true. I also really struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and am thr kind of person who can fall asleep just like that. Any help/ tips/ power food to help keep me feeling awake would be appreciated.

(I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 10 stone)

Thank you


  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Chronic fatigue?
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Iron deficiency? You should probably go to the doctor.
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    Could be soooo many things, I'm anemic and when I don't get enough iron, I'm the same way. Burning a ton of calories and not eating enough can cause that, poor sleep nightly can also cause that, ect.
  • Jessieh6266
    Have you been tested for anemia? Low iron makes me tired constantly, not matter how long or often I sleep. Also I have noticed that if I eat too many carbs I tend to be dragging along. If you are not deficient in iron, are you deficient in anything else? A simple blood test might help you out.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I had this problem like crazy for a while. I'd literally sleep 10 hours, go to work, take a nap..get up, eat and go back to bed..repeat.

    I went to my Dr. who did a ton of testing and found out I was hideously anemic. Terribly so. and she also said that 1 in 4 women are.

    I'd start with that, and then see if anything else arises. For me, Iron and B-12 have worked miracles. Weight loss has helped too.

    the other thing that I still struggle with, but not nearly as much since I stopped eating so much, is carb crashes. I eat carbs and then I get soooo tired. eliminating them from my diet quite a bit..helped a lot too

    Good luck
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I'm the same way.

    went to the doctor and she told me to start a sleep diary to log my sleep and she can review it better after 30 days

    basically i write down my last 2-3 hours before sleep. what time I go to bed, what time I wake up, if I wake up during the night and how I feel in the morning.

    she told me not to drink coffee after 2pm and not to work out after 6pm as it makes sleep more difficult. she also told me to make sure to get enough vitamin D and iron and see if that helped.

    If not, I may be going to get a sleep study done soon.
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    If this persists you should see a physician...

    This always picks me up, and gives me energy... Enjoy!

    Raw Cacao Pumpkin Seed Smoothie

    Tastes like a Chocolate Milkshake!

    ½ Cup Raw Pumpkin Seeds (hulled)
    3 Tablespoons Raw Cacao Powder
    2 Cups Water
    Stevia or your choice of sweetener to taste.

    Put all the ingredients into a blender except for the ice.
    Blend until very smooth, then add the ice, and enjoy.
    Makes 2 large glasses for 1 serving.

    368 Calories
    34 Carbs
    14 Protein
    20 Fat
    29 Iron
    8 Calcium
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    I was like that recently and went to the doctor, my problem was i was low in vita D. I live in Denmark so it is common here but it could be many things. I suggest going to the doctor. Good luck
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    have you not had blood tests? I really would rule out any underlieing cause first it could be simple iron deficency dont delay any longer get checked out
  • staceyd90
    I had a blood test about a year ago for this, and thr doctor said I was slightly anaemic, but not enough to cause any problems and that I'd be fine, so I'm guessing it's something else. I didn't know about not working out after 6, I sometimes work out at 8 but that's only recently so that can't be in either, and I mostly sleep the whole night through, and have used the iPhone sleep moniter thing which showed up as normal. Carbs could be a factor but they are such a big part of meals I wouldn't know what to eat instead?
  • Ninnyninball
    Ninnyninball Posts: 29 Member
    It could be a B12 difficiency, I was the exact same and got my bloods done and that's what I have. you could either get injections every month or get a B12 supplement from the Chemist and take a double dose - that's what my doc advised me to do - hope this helps!!
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    Could you possibly have Lyme Disease? Also, get your thyroid levels checked, as well as your B-12, Vitamin D, and iron levels. Hope you feel better soon!
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    You have low iron and are low in HEALTHY fats. So. Eat a steak and sweet potatoes. (iron, healthy fat, and the vitamin c will help you absorb the iron.)
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    I had a blood test about a year ago for this, and thr doctor said I was slightly anaemic, but not enough to cause any problems and that I'd be fine, so I'm guessing it's something else. I didn't know about not working out after 6, I sometimes work out at 8 but that's only recently so that can't be in either, and I mostly sleep the whole night through, and have used the iPhone sleep moniter thing which showed up as normal. Carbs could be a factor but they are such a big part of meals I wouldn't know what to eat instead?

    Just because you are " slightly anemic" doesn't mean that it.doesn't affect you. I'm POSITIVE that this is what it is now! I was "borderline anemic. your body doesn't absorb iron the.way it should, most people don't eat enough iron in their normal diets. Take a multivitamin with 100% of your daily iron (i only take half a pill and it has done WONDERS!) PLEASE, trust me. If out didn't help within a month, then you haven't hurt anything!
  • staceyd90

    Just because you are " slightly anemic" doesn't mean that it.doesn't affect you. I'm POSITIVE that this is what it is now! I was "borderline anemic. your body doesn't absorb iron the.way it should, most people don't eat enough iron in their normal diets. Take a multivitamin with 100% of your daily iron (i only take half a pill and it has done WONDERS!) PLEASE, trust me. If out didn't help within a month, then you haven't hurt anything!

    Ok, gonna start taking an iron supplement (they smell really bad though :() and in the meantime book a doctors appointment because you have to wait a month for one anyway, that way if the tablets dont work i can say i tried and its something else, and if it does work i can cancel the appointment :) Thanks for your help!
  • rherington
    rherington Posts: 85 Member
    Not eating enough will do it as well.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    My first reflex was to check your diary, but as it's set to private~ no help there, I was tired all the time and my culprit turned out to be not eating enough! I eat much more now n am losing weight n have lots of energy with less(too little actually) sleep.

    something else to consider, also if you don't want to take actual iron pills I use spirulina in my shakes n it has a good bit of iron in it ~30% of the daily amount and my hemp protein has another ~33% and I take a multivitamin every other day that has 100% (or if u like liver supposedly a serving the size of a deck of cards has almost enough for the week~disclaimer this was something I was told in a high school level class that stuck with me, not something that I have researched, my point is that there are good sources other than a pill if you prefer that method)
  • icreate
    icreate Posts: 60
    I feel the same. I never thought there's a deeper problem. Thanks for the post. :drinker:
  • staceyd90
    Sorry i didn't realise it was set to private, i'll see if i can make it public now.

    Will try the other suggestions, but i cant stand liver :P