Why am I always so tired? :(



  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    On a lot of days you're barely eating over 1,000 calories. That's a HUGE factor in fatigue.

    As you don't have much to lose, if you haven't done so already, set MFP for 1lb a week weight loss, no more. Eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories. Make sure you're eating 1,200 a day at the very minimum.
  • staceyd90
    On a lot of days you're barely eating over 1,000 calories. That's a HUGE factor in fatigue.

    As you don't have much to lose, if you haven't done so already, set MFP for 1lb a week weight loss, no more. Eat back a good proportion of your exercise calories. Make sure you're eating 1,200 a day at the very minimum.

    Its already set to loose 1lb a week, however if i change it to half a pound a week it increases to 1400 calories a day...Would it be advisable to try that and aim to always eat over 1200, yet under 1400? Yet then im worried i wont be able to shift any weight :/
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Its already set to loose 1lb a week, however if i change it to half a pound a week it increases to 1400 calories a day...Would it be advisable to try that and aim to always eat over 1200, yet under 1400? Yet then im worried i wont be able to shift any weight :/
    That would be the perfect way to go about it, sustainable, flexible and without making you feel tired.

    Make sure the minimum of 1,200 is net, i.e. you also eat your exercise calories, or at least a good proportion of them. I shift weight with my MFP 1lb a week setting of 1,330 and on heavy exercise days the total I eat can go over 2,000. I'm nearly at the point where I'll change my settings to 0.5lb a week.

    To set your mind at rest, use an online calculator to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You'll find it comfortingly high. So long as you stay under that on average over the week you'll still lose.
  • staceyd90

    Make sure the minimum of 1,200 is net, i.e. you also eat your exercise calories, or at least a good proportion of them. I shift weight with my MFP 1lb a week setting of 1,330 and on heavy exercise days the total I eat can go over 2,000. I'm nearly at the point where I'll change my settings to 0.5lb a week.

    To set your mind at rest, use an online calculator to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You'll find it comfortingly high. So long as you stay under that on average over the week you'll still lose.

    I just calculated my BMR and my TDEE. BMR is 1455 and the website says " Your body needs a certain amount of calories just to survive (BMR, or Basal Metabolic Rate). In my case, my body needs 1550 calories just for my body to function (breathing, organs to function, etc.) Be aware that you are not cutting your calories under this number."
    TDEE is 2001 but im not sure what that means. And i think right there is where the problem lies, that i should be eating around 1400 and then maybe up the exercising so that i do actually loose that stone!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I agree with checking iron. Also, do you workout? I find that the more I workout, the better I sleep and more energy I have the next day. Some people also say eating clean, and lots more veggies and water helps. Also avoiding the laptop screen and night before bed or TV, and getting sunlight if you can when you wake up can help. Hope this helps.
  • staceyd90
    I do workout, every other or every third day at a push. I do like eating clean, just difficult when your at work etc, which i will be next week for a 2 week work experience (Really worried im gonna go over then!)

    I should also track water because thinking about it, i don't drink nearly enough as i should. Does sugar free fizzy water count?

    Also, i normally use my mac then go straight to bed after, so maybe stop for an hour and read instead?

    As for sunlight...i live in the UK...but we can hope!
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member

    Make sure the minimum of 1,200 is net, i.e. you also eat your exercise calories, or at least a good proportion of them. I shift weight with my MFP 1lb a week setting of 1,330 and on heavy exercise days the total I eat can go over 2,000. I'm nearly at the point where I'll change my settings to 0.5lb a week.

    To set your mind at rest, use an online calculator to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You'll find it comfortingly high. So long as you stay under that on average over the week you'll still lose.

    If you eat between BMR and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), you will have a calorie deficit and still lose. say you eat 1600 calories per day - that is 400 per day less than your TDEE and should result in just under 1 lb per week loss.

    Also - if you go too low on healthy carbs, you could be tired. Many people find it more difficult in a high protein, low carb phase of an eating plan to sustain high levels of exercise.

    Finally - make sure you do exercise. In addition to the doctor visit and ensuring enough vitamins and minerals, try to go for a walk/run or do some yoga when you feel tired. Many times after work I've felt like plopping down on the sofa for a nap but went for a run instead. I ALWAYS feel more energized afterwards.
  • cinnycinda
    cinnycinda Posts: 6 Member
    You should make sure to get your b-12 checked. Alot of doc's don't check it on a routine basis. B-12 deficiency can also cause your hair to fall out, out memory/cognitive problems. B-12 deficiency can be bad if left untreated. I've been going thru this for the last year. I try to eat a bowl of bran flakes or one of those cereals fortified with vitamins and minerals most mornings. You should speak with your doc.

    Good luck!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Not really sure if this is the right place to post this but..,

    For the last few years I've been feeling tired all the time. If I go out shopping I'll always want a nap when I get back in, and staying up past 12 is out of the question. I also oversleep sometimes which makes things worse. It's frustrating, my boyfriend teases me about it saying I spend half my life in bed, which is probably true. I also really struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and am thr kind of person who can fall asleep just like that. Any help/ tips/ power food to help keep me feeling awake would be appreciated.

    (I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 10 stone)

    Thank you

    You need some vegetables and fruit in your eating plan. A bunch of processed food will leave you tired and feeling just blah.

    Also, are you getting enough sleep? Had your thyroid checked?
  • SherriLibrarian
    Get your blood tested for thyroid, b12, D3, and iron. I take a liquid b12 and a double dose of D3.
  • staceyd90
    I will deffo go to the doctors, explain i am feeling constantly tired and ask to be checked for everything!! In the mean time i have changed my plan to eat 1400 calories a day - not here is the thing, do i eat back exercise calories?
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I agree with having your thyroid, iron, and B12 checked. I actually suffer from something called hypersomnia. My brain doesnt realize my body has had enough sleep, so I am constantly tired. Before I found out I could sleep 16 hours a day. Now I have began treatment and it changed my life. I was diagnosed by doing a sleep study- they thought I had sleep apnea because of my weight, but I don't. I had never heard of it before, but it's answers so many questions about everything in my life.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I will deffo go to the doctors, explain i am feeling constantly tired and ask to be checked for everything!! In the mean time i have changed my plan to eat 1400 calories a day - not here is the thing, do i eat back exercise calories?

    I do...you have to fuel your workouts. I'd also try to take a multivitamin as on a low calorie diet, it's really difficult to get everything your body needs. That will most likely cover your iron too. I am slightly anemic so I take half a dose of GNC energy & metabolism and then take a pill just for iron. I use the iron capsules...they don't smell like anything :)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I will deffo go to the doctors, explain i am feeling constantly tired and ask to be checked for everything!! In the mean time i have changed my plan to eat 1400 calories a day - not here is the thing, do i eat back exercise calories?

    I agree, definitely something for a doctor to diagnose - lots of great info provided by comments!

    Thyroid: make sure they don't just test your TSH, but also your free (not total) T3 and free T4. Old thyroid ranges for TSH are still used (2-5) but these are outdated; make sure to grab a photocopy of all the labs for your records.

    Sounds like eating more is definitely in order! I'm from a UK-like area in Canada - I'd also go with a vitamin D supplement! (you can also get Vit D levels tested, along with thyroid, B vitmains, iron etc).
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    Not really sure if this is the right place to post this but..,

    For the last few years I've been feeling tired all the time. If I go out shopping I'll always want a nap when I get back in, and staying up past 12 is out of the question. I also oversleep sometimes which makes things worse. It's frustrating, my boyfriend teases me about it saying I spend half my life in bed, which is probably true. I also really struggle to get out of bed in the morning, and am thr kind of person who can fall asleep just like that. Any help/ tips/ power food to help keep me feeling awake would be appreciated.

    (I'm 5ft 4 and weigh 10 stone)

    Thank you

    I would agree with previous posters. I went through this and was severely, dangerously anemic. I had to go to the cancer center and have iron infusions. I felt so much better after the treatments. I did not know that you can tell if you are anemic if you look at the inside of your bottom eyelids. They should be a nice reddish pink. Mine were gray, no color. Your finger nail beds should also be pink. Mine were void of color. Go see your primary care physician.
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    All in all I'd get a blood test done again AND check for diabetes too. My blood sugar was so high and the figure thats why I'm so tired all the time. thick blood lol...get a blood test and make sure they test you for everything!
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    Also, are you noticing any weird cravings? Ice, chewing on pencils and such. It is call Pica. I had an insatiable craving and had to have those cinnamon disk. It went away once I got my iron levels back up.