ashkmelater Member


  • Thanks for all the kind replies! I plan on keeping on, and it's just nice to have some motivation every once in a while. I will break 200 come hell or high water :)
  • Trust me, I know this. I did the whole food thing before while I did the 30 day shred, 3 times..weighing food, measuring EVERYTHING and still didn't break 200. We are living with the inlaws right now until our house is ready to move into. Father in law has a crappy attitude and gets mad when there's "too much food"…
  • I'm so happy for you! You worked hard and are reaping the rewards. Congrats!
  • I've never heard that you could over hydrate. Maybe the Army ruined me because it was hydrate hydrate hydrate!! I will play with intake for a couple days. I feel like my head is going to explode wih everything I'm learning...lots to know! Thanks again for the responses :)
  • Thank you. Good to know I'm not alone here! It's such a PITA lol. I will just keep truckin along. Seeing everyone's weight loss is amazing!
  • It's been pretty close to the recommended intake. Maybe my body doesn't handle it as well as others. I may address this for a couple days and see if that gets things moving. Good observation. I always try to over complicate stuff. :embarassed:
  • If I'm supposed to drink 1/2 ounce per lb, that would put me at 100oz/day. Drinking 16.9 ounce bottles, that's almost 6 bottles. I drink way more than that. Am I misinterpreting that? I just want to make sure I understand.
  • Well hopefully it will. It's so discouraging to see the needle going the wrong way. Thank y'all for the advice!
  • I average about 1500 cals in/ day. Average out is around 300-400. I'm always a little high in carbs and low in protein on the macro nutrients. I have started using a protein powder. It just seems crazy that I've gained 4 lbs an no, I haven't lost inches either. I'm not eating unhealthy, but not as clean as I would like due…
  • Thanks! I am.. :)