Terrykanago Member


  • I don't know about Abilify, but I've lost nearly 70 lbs while taking Lamictal. It doesn't seem to have affected my metabolism as much as some others I've taken, though I do think it's made exercise more important. I hope it works for you!
  • Thanks, everyone! I'm struggling to get moving again after the holidays, and your encouragement helps a lot! I want to reach 160 before my son's wedding in August. Now if the snow will just melt so I can get back on my bike ....
  • Sandra, Bipolar definitely makes it VERY hard to lose. The meds tanked my metabolism so that even when I could stay strong against the increased appetite I gained anyway. Exercise helped some, but it was a change of drugs that made the difference for me. There are some newer ones out there that are weight-neutral -- Geodon…
  • jnrinwa, do you mind if I friend you? It would be nice have someone local to follow!
  • My first post on MFP .... I've taken a bunch of different drugs for my bipolar disorder -- Seroquel wasn't the worst for weight gain, but not the best by a long shot. I gained 35 lbs in just over 3 months on it at 400 mg per day. When I reached the end of my rope I refused to take it anymore, so my dr put me on Geodon. The…