domaha28 Member


  • I too have lost 40 lbs and stalled. It's so discouraging that I am starting my old eating habits and then I feel guilty and awful. Afraid to get on the scale because I know it will be going up. Thinking about doing protein drinks twice a day and one meal, guess its feeling desperate!
  • Add me! Starting to have a hard time, very discouraging :(
  • The more friends, the better. And I definitely need the motivation :)
  • I've just started following this board and am overwhelmed by everyone's support. I just cancelled my membership with Weight Watchers due to the changes and the cost and going to follow with MFP. I have my fitbit ready to rock and did my profile. Mind you, I've been signed up on here but lapsed a little bit so now I'm back…
  • I was on WW and just stopped my membership. I couldn't log my points, no favorites, or the app (which I used 95% of the time) would just bounce and not let me go anywhere. VERY aggravating! The discussion board on here seems to be so much more geared to helping each other. The WW discussion boards were different. They…
  • I find my protein shakes fill me up nicely. It also leaves me extra calories for my midmorning snack if I need it. I am a chocolate fanatic so it satisfies my chocolate craving as well. :wink:
  • [Iquote="GSD_Mama;10163756"]We've created a group for our low carbing friends from MFP. Don't get me wrong, i love MFP feeds and forums, but it's not very friendly in terms of posting photos, sharing recipes, and just chat away. So if you're on FB and would like to join, we'd be happy to have you. The group is secret and…
  • This is my first participation in here. I've hit a major stall and I'm a tad bit worried. I've lost little over 20lbs and my drive has hit a stop sign. I'm afraid I may start gaining but don't know how to get back on track. The last 2 weeks have been hell to say the least. Working long hour and friends husband passed away…
  • I was in this routine about 14 years ago. I lost a lot of weight and my routine was awesome. Now 14 years later I would try anything to get back in the early morning work out session. I am reading each suggestion one by one and hope I can find the one or two ideas that will work. It's funny what used to come to me so…
  • I need all the motivational friends I can find. Sometimes it's a tough journey to go it alone. I'm just starting and you should be so proud of how far you have come. That is a great accomplishment!!! Congratulations and enjoy the feeling you have every time you look at where you started and where you are now. :happy:
  • Hi, my name is Donna and I have 100 # to lose. I have been on this journey many times before succeeding one other time and only to gain it all back. I'm hoping to have all of your support and my husband's I can succeed this time and maintain. Please feel free to add me as a friend because I truly feel you can never have…
  • I think we are all in the same boat at some time or another. Some days are better than others. You can only take one day at a time. I find that only focusing on today can help you succeed. I'm also sending a friend request. Anytime you need someone to talk to or just get encouragement, I'm here :)
  • Hi, not from Ohio but feeling the same hit and miss weather here in New York. It may seem like a long way to go but just remember to take one day at a time. Do the best you can each day and if you have a little setback just keep on going. You'll get there. We are all here to help each other and feel free to add me as a…