gemiwing Member


  • If you can have dairy- look at cottage cheese. I don't worry about sodium- I have no heart issues and restricting sodium unbalances electrolytes - but that might be a deal breaker there for you. Read the labels- the protein content varies. For a cup of cottage cheese I get almost twice the protein you do in one of your…
  • Sorry- not sure what in my post you're referencing here?
  • Do you mean things like paleo, low carb, vegan etc? Anything will work with EMTWL- as long as you get enough cals (macros are up for debate even though there is a recommended ratio). I follow a fairly standard weightlifting (powerlifting anyway) diet. Lots of protein, carbs are low-ish. Unless there is cake. I will always…
  • Strength is my main goal- I have this crazy drive to see how heavy I can lift. So for me, progress isn't visual. I've gone from air to barbell and I'm angling to get some strongman type stuff for Christmas (hellooo Atlas stones!) so that's huge progress to me. As far as physical changes people can see- my hammies are…
  • Have to back off the OHP. :( Frustrating but it's gotta be done. I'm just not structurally ready for it. So, in addition to leaving out the squat (doing hip raises, DL's instead- my quads are HUGE already) I'm now going to leave out the OHP. At least in high enough weights to where it really matters to my ego ;) Instead-…
  • Heya Teffy :) Welcome! The main mods I do are because of structural issues with myself and not the equipment but I'm more than happy to brainstorm. Have you looked at incorporating some Strongman training into your routine to improve things like grip strength? Farmer Carry is great for that and easy to do with a set of…
  • Protein shakes are fine to use. Easy way to top off the protein macro. I used them for a long time and if I get low I'll have one. Been using cottage cheese more lately and it helps.
  • There will always be people who disagree with something other people do. Add in the highly charged nature most folks have with food (add on top of that- this a site for people who have poor relationships with food) and tempers flare. I only notice when I start getting lazy- if I'm doing what I need to do I have my head…
  • Yeah, same here- it really helps to see my numbers go up and up in my journal. If I was just going by body shape (well, I wouldn't be doing SL- I'd be doing some bodybuilder routine but nvm) I'd be really disappointed in my progress thus far. Looking at how far I've come with the weights though? WOWSA. Love picking up…
  • I'm right about the same weight in OP and it's starting to reach fail territory too. Time to work on supportive exercises. I'm actually excited I'm up high enough that it's starting to become evident where my weaknesses are. Now I can train them and deal with them. Before- I had no idea and reviewing tapes wasn't showing…
  • Your entire body shifted up, and then got tighter. It's really impressive!
  • Yeah- for starters definitely head to the Scooby site. Should give you more attainable numbers. Be warned- You will have to get used to eating healthy fats though- just a heads up lol It helps and really lubricates the joints. I can tell if I miss one day of fats- my shoulder will let me know loud and clear!
  • Mornin, First up I love the Health-calc calculator. It's a bit high though as a starting point. I usually only recommend it for those with high amounts of muscle or those who have a higher BMR than the norm. I'd go run your numbers through the Scooby calculator and use those to start with. If that doesn't work within a few…
  • This picture inspires me- mainly because I'm not looking to just lose weight or be 'hot'. I want to be MORE than attractive. Mama wants power! POWAH!
    in Motivation Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • The notes on the Scooby calculator (on their webpage) give guidance on which formula to use. Some are better for those closer to goal and others are better for those of us farther from goal.
  • You absolutely should be proud! GREAT JOB!!!!!
    in 260 to 200 Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • Hello, Easy summary- Figure out your TDEE (use scooby calculator) and take 15% off that. Eat what's left. BE HONEST about your activity level, most women short themselves. Lift weights- recommended but not 'required'. Eat food and enjoy your life- put the scale down and relax. Some do a full metabolism reset. If you've…
    in Summary Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • First thing I would recommend is to figure out what your goal is from lifting. Do you want to sculpt? Do you want to gain strength? Do you want explosive power like used for sprinting or other sports? What you chose will determine the direction you go. For bodybuilding workouts w/weights I would head toward Cathe and I…
  • in Motivation Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • Hey, you seem like you have compassion and a sense that not everyone's experience will mirror your own. My advice- leave this thread, run far away and live in the hills in peace. Escape the bitterness, inappropriate emotional responses and nitpicking that is in this thread. RUN! :laugh: *returns to her happy place where…
  • First off- big kudos for working toward your future. Second off- I would stick with what your dietician recommended you to be on. They know your ins and outs better than an internet calculator ever will. :) Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • I think that's a sensible option :)
  • I think you're missing my point. What do you do if you only have four dollars? Not six for the homecooked option? We can sit and talk scenarios all day- it keeps missing the point I am making. Sometimes you only have enough for the cheaper option at the outset- whether or not you can make more from a meal cooked at home is…
  • My point is- sometimes it's easier to come up with a lower price point than to buy enough to make a healthy meal. Depends on the meal and we can't make a blanket statement and expect it to hold water for everyone. Hamburger helper- 1.99 Beef- 2.00 You don't have to use anything but water. It may call for more but you don't…
  • *GIANT BOW* Begging your pardon ma'am.
  • ;D I like comedy what can I say? Yeah, I do get it. I still stand by the idea that I would like someone to try buying four slices of bread and see how well it goes. I get the idea behind this topic (which comes up about once a week here- complete with graphic) but it's not factual. The prices of food vary and to use an…
  • This. You can't buy 55 cents worth of salt and pepper. Try buying four slices of bread too- see how the grocery store likes that.
  • Yep- should be fine. I daresay even GREAT for you :D
  • It's a basic routine so you're absolutely right there- issue is that there's more than one kind of weightlifting. There's bodybuilding, strength, endurance and explosive. Bodybuilding is where you see much more sculpting and shaping. Strength is about picking up heavy stuff. Endurance is low weight high rep. Explosive is…
  • Doctors did it for me- that and one really mean gym teacher. Scale weight is used to sell us everything from toothpaste to magazines and they aren't subtle about it. We went grocery shopping last night and every single magazine had some BS weight loss scheme on the cover. Even Oprah's mag. We may not notice each time we're…
    in Scale Comment by gemiwing June 2012