gemiwing Member


  • Buy that man a cookie! So great he was there to help :D Do you feel you have the movement down now?
  • That's so great!!! A lot of NSV's are about pants or bathing suits- I like yours even better :D
  • I prop the barbell up on a riser. You can use one of those steps the aerobics classes use. Even stack a few plates up on the flat side and lay the bar on top of that. I don't use an OLY bar so I have to prop the bar to get it in position every time.
  • Fast food or restaurant food.
  • Try out al-anon if you want. Might take a while to find a meeting that's a great fit for you but having a community of support really, really, really helps. There are ripples that come outward from an alcoholic. It hits everyone.
  • Hi there, We're about the same weight (I'm about 260) and I've struggled to lose weight or inches on Stronglifts. The swelling from seriously pushing myself, the weight of the food I have to eat and then the huge recovery window I need really does slow down the losses. So I'm going to do cycles. Think of it as a cut/bulk…
  • Yeah, even I'm tempted by the gator hunting!
  • So we're looking for - temperate climate on the cool side landlocked at least medium-sized city a bit of nature but more 'city quirky' than nature's beauty I would look to the Northeast, West Coast, Pacific Northwest and Upper Midwest. Seattle/Portland (great shows/art/funky culture) would seem like a good fit for you.…
  • You might do better to pick a region of the US and then narrow it down from there. There's quirky all over the place- it's kind of our thing. There's always an art car, a weird house or a giant lighthouse in the shape of a goose. I wouldn't come to the deep South this time of year though unless you can handle humidity that…
  • I agree with what you said here. To the OP- I would tell your friend you are concerned because that's what you are. Offer your support and then let go and allow them to thrive or fail on their own terms. You can't take this choice from them, they need it in order to grow. If you try to push one way or the other- chances…
  • I'm not looking for a plan- I'm looking for an answer on "Is clean eating required to do the EM2WL plan'. That's it- not about health food in general or how many carbs to eat- specifically about clean eating. I'm looking for an answer to this question- Is clean eating required by Eat More To Weigh Less? If yes- what…
  • I think so- I want to make sure I get it. EM2WL's rule on food is to eat healthy food within macro goals. Treats are ok. I'm really having a hard time here- I may just need to put this down for the day and come back tomorrow. Because my first question is what's healthy changes to each person so how to keep the levels…
  • Hiya :) Stickies are posts that are kept 'stuck' to the top of the discussion page. If you're using the web program and not a phone- scroll up to where you see Message Boards--Eat more to weigh less--discussion--title of post. Click on Discussion and you'll hit the main discussion page- stickies have a nifty little icon…
  • Ok, I'm obviously having a bad word day lol It comes with the brain damage so let me try again- I really hope this isn't going to come across jerky or mean because I dont feel that way at all. I'm starting to wonder if I'm not phrasing things correctly which would mean I need to call my doctor again. Le sigh. so- here is…
  • :wink: I aim to please lol So, is it the Official stance of EM2WL that folks following the plan are to eat 'clean'? I'm still confused :blushing: lol Is it in the 'your food is your business' or the 'Clean eating is a requirement of EM2WL' ?
  • I know what I think but I really wanted to hear what the official stance is- to lay this to rest in my head once and for all. Ever have something go round and round in your head till you can't make heads or tails of it? This is it for me :D So, I'm really looking for the official position of the group. Not trying to stir…
  • So is that the official EM2WL stance?
  • Sorry guys- I'm really looking to hear from mods, Kiki or Lucia. I can't find this in the stickies at the top and don't remember who's on vacation or busy on this Saturday. I have the brain of a hamster sometimes lol I'm all for talking about how we feel about clean eating- but maybe in another thread?
  • Ahh well sounds like your cut was a bit low for your activity level. I would up it a bit and try it out there. Sounds like you do more activity in your 'lightly active' than you thought. Plus, your exercise cals will already be added to your TDEE cut value so you won't have to enter those separately- saves time lol
  • I think I get what you're saying- Ate your cut for a while Had to take a break and eat your TDEE for two weeks Lost weight so wonder if TDEE was correct Do I getcha right? Two weeks isn't really long enough to say if your sedentary TDEE is the 1800 number. I would want to give it a while to really see- but since you're…
  • I'm right there with you. My diary is private for just these reasons. I got tired of the backhanded comments and 'concern'. I'm an adult and don't need validation for my food choices- it's a Nunya for me. :)
  • I don't know what constitutes 'reasonable calories' as we all have different caloric goals but my go-to's fall in between 400-600 cals. I don't eat ten times a day so bigger meals work for me. Take rice Take meat Pick a veg Put all together in a BIG bowl and mow down. Example- Five Eggs 1.5c rice bag of frozen broccoli…
  • I think where the issue lies is that we are (most of us) used to cardio-based workouts. There isn't the same type of learning curve as there is with lifting weights. So due to our experience, we assume (I did this too) that we will naturally progress through lifting weights by increasing weights with little to no problem…
  • I agree cardio will help you out here and doing lower body workouts will give you the weightlifting edge too. As far as recommending a workout- I can't until you're diagnosed with what's wrong. There are so many lifting programs but in order to pick the right one for your shoulder- you gotta know what's wrong first. If…
  • ((hugs)) That's a long list and would wear anyone down- so give yourself some credit for what you've done. It's in there and you're going to do even more. I have some physical issues that give me down time often enough. I've started looking at it as a chance to train other areas. Athletes don't just go 'hit the gym'- they…
  • So freakin' excited, happy and impressed. You really are sticking in there- hope you know how rare that is and how great you're doing.
  • First thing- get checked out by your doc. If the pain hasn't responded to advil and it keeps coming back- it's time to call in the doctors. You could have a deformity in the shoulder (30% of people do) and will need to adjust the exercises you do; could be you just pulled a muscle; could be you've developed a tear in a…
  • "Extra burn" - you won't need it. I haven't had much coffee this morning so I hope it makes sense. lol Your body keeps burning by eating- it stops burning when we stop feeding it.
  • "hurt"? Hmmm I guess it depends on the reasoning behind it. There's more than our metabolism at stake. A day where you sleep too much, illness or locked in a tiny room with no minibar- I would say ok, Life happens. "Too busy to eat", "I ate too much yesterday" and "I haven't worked out enough to earn this food" are danger…