gemiwing Member


  • And this is why I'm jealous. No powerlifting gym here :(
  • Ditto this. I love the idea of NOT having the pressure of the 'you're not taking this seriously enough-see how there's a lower option than the one you picked' 20% loss.
  • The only difference I found was in my wallet. Eating 'clean' was more expensive and I didn't get any real benefit from it. Plus- no one can agree on the meaning and it irks me on a personal level lol I find a more moderate 'eat less crap' works better than 'eat only x or y'. I don't need another trip down eating disorder…
  • Keep your protein macro in tip top shape, eat enough cals and you'll be fine. You might lose some size but muscle memory will have that regained in a few sessions when you get back. Perhaps take a 'non workout workout' approach. Workout that muscle group but by learning more about it, preventing injury to it in the future,…
  • :laugh: Now where did I put that deerstalker cap?
  • Found it-
  • I'm goofy and random. Buddies?
  • *dons black cape* Yes... come over to the dark side.. the cottage-y cheese-y dark side....
  • In the US teetotal means that you're against other folks drinking as well as yourself. If you just don't drink then it's different. There are always groups of people who hate those who don't do what they do. Sometimes folks get nervous around me because they think that since I don't drink- I think no one else should…
  • lol Give it a whirl it's tasty- BUT you have to get a good brand. There are nasty cottage cheeses out there! Dean's small curd is good, Kroger's brand is ok- avoid Daisy and Walmart and for the love of pete- do not eat low fat or fat free cottage cheese if you don't already love cottage cheese. Not the way I'd introduce…
  • Eating cholesterol does not give you high cholesterol. That's a myth from the 80's and early 90's. Same train of thought people used with 'eating fat makes you fat'. Nation went fat free and we lost nothing. If you have certain genetic markers you *can* be more predisposed to high cholesterol through diet- not saying it…
  • Perhaps you meant Awesome instead of lame? :D I think that's a great goal and I'm actually quite jealous of your gym now. I'd check out Starting Strength and Stronglifts just to get your numbers up there. Your max will increase as you go- once you get high enough you can switch to a 5/3/1 and a plan with more defined meso…
  • I get sore in my back if I don't keep a good curve at the base of my spine. Make sure your form is correct and videotape yourself if you need to. Your booty should pop when you're picking up the weight- keep your hips level but let that lower back round outward and pop the booty. It helps lock your spine in place. I assume…
    in Soreness ? Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • Try not to fret, Steph. I gained ten pounds in one week. :) Lost that plus another pound the next week. My point is not the time frame but that weight naturally fluctuates. Even when you are going to be 'done' and maintaining- your weight will never stay the same. It's perfectly natural to have a ten pound fluctuation.…
  • Well, sorry it didn't work for you. Maybe there is a better workout plan for your goals or it's just a tweak needed to your deficit. It's all trial and error in the end, really. Everything we do with food is an estimate.
  • Yeah- I am fairly regular. I put my diary on private- didn't want any more comments (wanted or not) about my food choices every day. I have very different goals than most here and it shows in my diary. I'm not as concerned about size or weight loss- been big and thick my whole life and I'm okay with that. I want more power…
  • I would actually do a smaller deficit for a month and see how you fare. 20% is a bit big on such a weight heavy program. Also if you're not hitting enough protein often enough that can stall you out a bit. Sorry you're having a rough patch.
  • I love them- I hope to work up to them soon. I'm more into powerlifting but there's a technical grace to the OLYs that always makes my jaw drop.
  • 1- muscle mass. some have more than others. 2- higher BMR 3-higher TDEE than you 4-different foods/macros eaten 5-sodium levels and water retention
  • I disagree. I think she knows about how to sell product and that's about it. :)
  • UGH I forgot about the 'cleanses'. I was just thinking of her weight loss pills. *twitch*
  • Because she puts her name on products that I think are detrimental to health, sustainable weight loss and creates a culture of misinformation. She's also part of the mainstream diet machine and that whole institution makes me twitchy. Simply put- I disagree with her. I don't know her personally so can't speak to her as a…
  • FULL STOP. Get thee to a physician. Injury isn't to be worked over like soreness. As women we have double-worry of bone density as well, so you need to know if that's a concern before you get further in your training. When you're cleared to work out again- add grip increasing exercises: give the Farmer Carry a whirl. It…
  • Here, Here! Are you moving? Then you're doing fine in my book :) Machines are great for rehab, isolation work and for those who have ataxia. You drop a free weight on you ONE TIME and you don't forget it :laugh: Do I recommend free weights first? Yep! Even if it's a pretty pink dumbbell- we all start somewhere :)
  • I stopped tracking sugar when I realized I was just tracking fruit. A whole column of fruit. I just track carbs now- since that's the column sugar would fall under. Even as a prediabetic the docs say track carbs and not sugar. So now I don't have a 'fruit' column :wink:
  • One of the biggest things I learned to do was to read the labels BEFORE I ate the food. I have hot dogs all the time- did you know there are hot dogs that are 300 calories for one hot dog and there are hot dogs that are 90 calories a hot dog. Big difference in the long run. Not to say you always have to chose the low-cal…
  • I'm set right between lightly and moderately active. A usual week looks like this- Non workouts- pretty darn sedentary. Perhaps a light walk after dinner for fun two nights a week (about twenty minutes). Workouts- Sunday- Main lifting day Monday- soft tissue, ice, recovery day Tuesday- Main lifting day Wednesday- soft…
  • In most cases- yes that would be below your BMR. Your Basal Metabolic Rate is what they would feed you in the hospital if you were in a coma. Once you wake up and get out of bed- you are into TDEE territory. Total Daily Energy Expenditure. This is how many cals you burn in a day- from exercise, cleaning, shopping, walking,…
    in Summary Comment by gemiwing June 2012
  • Yep- happens to tons of us :) Congratulations! Your body is now working on heating and cooling itself- a sign of a great metabolism. Still freaks me out a bit when I sweat- didn't do that for close to ten years. Now all the sudden I stink! lol
  • Nice! Next step- barbell and power rack! :D